Research News

Pioneering District Heating Network Planning for Schleswig-Holstein

From October 23 to 25, Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber and Niklas Denter (research associate)  engaged in a productive exchange with Lorica Energiesysteme… more

Heat Pumps in the Spotlight: Review of the 2nd InES Heat Pump Forum

More than 140 experts from science and industry came together at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) on the 23rd of January 2025 to discuss… more
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Focus on Europe: THI launches first ERASMUS+ project ACE²EU

With ACE²EU (Applied, Connected, Entrepreneurial, and Engaged), Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) focuses on internationalization and… more

Focus areas in research

More than 70 professorships with 300 academic staff are currently conducting research, focussing on the areas of Mobility & Road Safety, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and Sustainability & Renewable Energies. THI is represented on the HRK research map with the three research specialisations "Vehicle Safety and Innovative Mobility", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Renewable Energies".



Research Institutes

The main aim of applied research and of THI is to bring findings from basic research into application. Therefore, about one third of the university’s total budget is invested in research. As a result, THI is one of the top research Universities for Applied Sciences in Germany.

Research at THI is organised in research institutes - CARISSMA (C-IAD, C-ISAFE, C-ECOS), AImotion Bavaria, Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Institute for New Energy Systems (InES), Sustainability in Research and Transfer Center Neuburg (ForTraNN) and the Bavarian Foresight Institute. In addition, the university works closely with the three AN-institutes AININ, Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrum and inas.



Bavarian Foresight Institute

Foresight in Technology and Business


Research and Transfer Center for Sustainability in Neuburg

Drone, die auf einem Hubschrauber-Landeplatz landet. Im Hintergrund sind Hochhäuser.

Technology Transfer Center Unmanned Flight Systems

Urban Air Mobility and Unmanned Aviation

Promoting research and young scientists

THI is strongly committed to young academics. For years, doctoral projects in the fields of technology and economics have been carried out very successfully with partner universities in Germany and abroad. Together with the TU Munich, THI is the sponsoring university of BayWISS in the "Mobility and Transport" collaborative research centre.

All of THI's current 140 doctoral students are supervised by the university's own Doctoral School. In the winter semester 2023/24, two doctoral centres were set up in the particularly research-intensive fields of artificial intelligence/computer science and engineering, for which THI is solely responsible. They enable early career researchers to complete a doctorate directly at THI.


VIce President for Research
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Großmann
Phone: +49 841 9348-2880
Room: D026


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