
  • BayIntAn
    BayIntAn promotes research cooperation between Bavarian and international universities and colleges. It provides start-up funding, which mainly consists of mobility and accommodation costs. Applicants are expected to make a personal contribution, i.e. further project-related costs such as personnel expenses, access to equipment and infrastructure etc. must be borne by the project partners. The maximum funding amount per application is 10,000 euros; the funding is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. 

    Researchers (PostDoc or higher) working at state and state-funded non-state Bavarian colleges and universities are eligible to apply. 

    The aim of the funding is to internationalise Bavarian university research and thereby strengthen Bavaria as a location for science and innovation. 

    You can find an overview of the programme here.
    Guidelines for applicants 
  • Erasmus programme
    The Erasmus programme was originally launched by the European Union in 1987. It was intended to promote closer co-operation between universities and higher education institutions throughout Europe. The aim was to create an organised and integrated system for the cross-border exchange of students. Over time, the programme has expanded in breadth and depth and is now known as "Erasmus+".

    Erasmus+ is a very broad-based programme that promotes mobility and partnership-based cooperation. Individuals and organisations based in an EU Member State or in a third country related to the programme can participate.

    Erasmus+ in higher education supports students, universities, university staff and partners from the non-academic sector. The Key Action Mobility of Individuals (STA and STT programmes) supports the learning mobility of students and staff. In the higher education sector, this enables funding opportunities for study, learning and further education purposes. These can be: studies at a partner university, internships for students or graduates in organisations or companies in programme countries, teaching by German university representatives at partner universities, teaching by company and organisation representatives from programme countries at German universities, further education and training for German university representatives and much more. The mobility projects take place in Europe and worldwide. 

    Travelling and accommodation costs are reimbursed. 

    Information on the programme can be found here
    Information for applicants
  • DAAD
    The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) is an organisation of German universities. It promotes relations between German and foreign universities and addresses all academic levels, i.e. students, graduates and researchers. The aim is to train future specialists and managers and prepare them for responsible action in an international context. 

    The most important tasks of the DAAD include Awarding scholarships, promoting the internationalisation of German universities and research, strengthening German studies and the German language abroad and supporting developing countries in establishing efficient universities. The DAAD is also the national agency for Erasmus+ higher education cooperation.

    Various DAAD programmes
    HAW.International: The programme promotes the active participation of members of German universities of applied sciences (HAWs) and universities of applied sciences (FHs) in international scientific congresses and conferences as well as in international trade fairs (face-to-face and online) in order to establish strategically oriented cooperation.
    Information on the programme

    Research scholarships for doctoral students: This programme supports research stays abroad during a doctorate in Germany. Stays abroad can last between one and twelve months. The funding period can be divided up and can also take place in different countries.
    Information on the programme

    Project-related exchange programme (PPP): The programme supports the exchange of German and foreign university members; mobility and short-term research stays are funded. 
    Information on the programme

    Lecture tour programme: The programme is intended to enable scientists to accept invitations from foreign colleagues or scientific institutions to report on their own scientific work outside of congresses and conferences.
    Information on the programme


You are also welcome to send inquiries to the central e-mail address:


Contact person

Research Consultant
Dr. Ella Ostermüller
Phone: +49 841 9348-6425
Room: F112
Research Consultant
Christiane Pastaschek
Phone: +49 841 9348-6551
Room: F112