Bavarian Collaborative Research Programme (BayVFP)
As part of the Bavarian Collaborative Research Programme (BayVFP), the Free State of Bavaria promotes cooperation between science and industry in the field of industrial research. It supports research and development projects of companies and research institutions cooperating with companies in various areas. The funds are provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.
The Bavarian Collaborative Research Programme BayVFP covers the four technology policy fields of action "Materials", "Life Science", "Digitalisation" and "Mobility". Special attention will also be paid to the interfaces between the fields of action.
Industrial research, experimental development and, in justified exceptions, feasibility studies are eligible for funding.
Depending on the respective programme, companies based or established in the Free State of Bavaria, non-university research institutions as well as universities and higher education institutions in Bavaria and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are eligible to apply.
You can find an overview of the BayVFP programme here.
The funding conditions of the project management organisation (in accordance with the guidelines) are set out here.
You are also welcome to send inquiries to the central e-mail address:
Contact person

Dr. Ella Ostermüller
Phone: +49 841 9348-6425
Room: F112

Christiane Pastaschek
Phone: +49 841 9348-6551
Room: F112