State funding

The Bavarian Free State promotes research in all its breadth and diversity, Additionally in humanities and social sciences as well as in life sciences, natural sciences and engineering. Funding is usually provided through topic-related or open calls for proposals, which, depending on the focus, are directed at companies, research institutions or interdisciplinary research associations.

Bavarian ministries

The State Ministry of Science and the Arts mainly promotes research and teaching by providing funds for the basic equipment of universities.  
The State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy promotes the development of technologically new products and processes and the application of new technologies, usually through project funding under various technology promotion programmes.

Bavarian university centers

The Bavarian university lecturers BayCHINA (China), BayHOST (Eastern Europe), BayIND (India), BayLAT (Latin America), BFHZ (France) and BaCaTeC (California) are located at numerous universities in Bavaria and have developed, depending on the target region, different focal points in their task area. In some cases, for example, they promote preparatory trips to the respective target regions, countries and groups of countries.

For preparatory trips to all other countries worldwide, the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) offers the BayIntAn funding line. Funding applications can be submitted during the published application deadlines.

Please contact us immediately should you have any questions about the funding offers or are planning to apply for funding of the Bavarian Free State.

Bavarian Research Foundation

The Bavarian Research Foundation promotes innovative, application-oriented research and pre-competitive development projects that are jointly supported by science and industry and that are important for Bavaria's scientific and technological development.



You are also welcome to send inquiries to the central e-mail address:


Contact person

Research Consultant
Dr. Ella Ostermüller
Phone: +49 841 9348-6425
Room: F112