
Zwei Männer bei Entgegennahme eines Förderschecks

AI-Based Irrigation Systems for Tunisian Agriculture

The Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (InES) is delighted to have received funding for a pioneering project: Dig-e-Farm, an AI-supported… more
Symbolbild Digitalisierung

‘Heat Transition with Next Generation Solar Collectors’ - Exciting lecture at THI

How can innovative solar collectors advance the energy transition? The next lecture in the lecture series ‘Energy - Environment - Sustainability’ is… more

Excursion: Solar-thermally supported district heating World's first solar thermal system made of insulating glass flat-plate collectors

Solar thermal systems offer an opportunity to decarbonise heating networks. This is an important building block for the heating transition to replace… more

Heating & cooling supply by SWI at the Audi Sportpark site - operating experience of the absorption refrigeration system

How does the heating and cooling supply in the Audi Sportpark work? Participants in the excursion were given interesting insights into this by… more

Study Programme Development Workshop in Tashkent

In July 2024, the consortium partners of the RE.Act project met for the first official project meeting in Tashkent.The first Study Programme… more


In addition to the industrial research, publicly funded research projects with industrial involvement and project-based support by appropriate funding institutions within the energy and environmental technology are of central importance. Further, the Institute for New Energy Systems (InES) is involved in several national and international research networks, such as the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency. Institute scientists are also represented in numerous national and international committees and advisory boards.

Particular attention will be given at InES on the education and training of young scientists, so that  a number of research projects are connected to the promotion or the master's degree of a project team member. Here, several doctoral research and research-related Master's theses have already been successfully completed. Secondly, students from all study courses of the Technical University of Ingolstadt and from national and international partner universities are actively involved in the research projects.
From the research activities of InES more than 120 scientific publications and lectures so far resulted in English and German.


Our motivation:

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Leadership Team

Head of Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Schrag
Phone: +49 841 9348-2820
Room: A228
Head of Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber
Phone: +49 841 9348-2402
Room: A118
Head of Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)
Dr. Christoph Trinkl
Phone: +49 841 9348-3720
Room: S407
Fax: +49 841 9348-993720

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