International Activities of InES

The lack of access to energy is one of the main obstacles to reducing poverty and bolstering industrialisation, as can be witnessed around the globe. That is why the focus on international research activities at InES is one of the cornerstones of the institute's strategy. Consequently, researchers at InES are active in a variety of international cooperations in the realm of Renewable Energies.

In the spirit of a university-wide internationalisation, InES has been leading international research projects since 2004 and offers students from all over the world the opportunity to complete a research stay in Ingolstadt. So far, nearly 40 international guests have been working at the Institute, in the context of completing internships, writing their theses or due to other science-related stays. The research activities of the InES outside Europe focus primarily on Africa and Central Asia.

Focus on Africa
The Team at InES has specialised on cooperations with scientific institutions and companies in Africa. Despite the abundance of solar, wind and biomass ressources, large parts of the population in rural areas of African countries lack access to electricity. To change this situation, core elements of the Institute's international cooperation encompass the promotion of the use of energy systems based on Renewable Energies as well as the transfer of technology with local stakeholders.

Focus Central Asia
The InES team specializes in collaborating with academic institutions, NGOs, and industries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan). Their primary research areas in Central Asia include building energy research, enhancing energy efficiency, promoting sustainable heat energy transition, decarbonizing high-altitude and cold climatic communities, Agri-PV, energy demand modelling, energy supply modelling, integrating renewables by various energy systems, and capacity building.


InES in Africa (map)

InES in Central Asia (map)




12/2024 MaZero: Start of the project

In December, a virtual kick-off meeting for the MaZero project took place. Representatives from THI-InES and their project partners from the National University of Lesotho (NUL) and the NGO Technology for Development (TED) gathered for this event. The MaZero project aims to pilot renewable energy-based e-mobility in Maseru, thereby decarbonising the transport sector in Lesotho. The initial meeting can be considered a significant milestone. It allows partners to get familiar with each other, define their objectives, clarify responsibilities and roles, and plan the project's next steps.

>>Project Profile



10/2024 Dig-e-Farm project launched

Together with the Ecole Nacionale des Sciences et Technologies Avancées à Borj Cédria (ENSTAB) from Tunisia, THI will be tackling challenges of the water-energy nexus in Tunisian agriculture over the next three years. The project enables the construction of a pilot plant in which the novel concept of combining artificial intelligence, Agri-PV and irrigation can be tested. The project partners already know each other from previous joint projects, so the virtual kick-off event for the Dig-e-Farm project on 4th November 2024 focused primarily on content-related topics.

>>Project Profile

09/2024 BIOVARYA: Start of the project

In September, representatives of THI and project partners from the Technical University Kenya (TU-K) met for a virtual kick-off meeting for the BIOVARYA project - Establishing a BIOgas network for BaVARia and KenYA. The first meeting served to get to know each other and to coordinate the further procedure and future cooperation.

>>Project Profile

07/2024 Biogas utilization in Morocco

In July the AMBER project team gathered at InES for a productive project review. Joined by partners from ENA, AUI, and several external experts, we engaged in vital discussions and listened to insightful presentations on biogas utilization in Morocco and Germany.
>>Project Profile


01/2024 Successful launch of the "INTERSTORES" project in Ingolstadt on 23 and 24.01.24

As part of the "INTERSTORES" project funded by the Horizon Europe programme, InES will work on an innovative approach to large-scale thermal energy storage over the next four years as part of a consortium of 14 partners led by Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. INTERSTORES aims to achieve market acceptance, technological attractiveness and competitiveness of seasonal thermal energy storage (sTES) by improving performance, cost efficiency and reliability.
>>Project Profile


12/2023 Closing Industry Workshop and overall success

The successful execution of an industry workshop in Tunis marked one of the final events before the closure of the Renewable Energy-based E-Mobility in Higher Education (REMO) project in December 2023, concluding its 3.5-year duration. The project adopted a holistic approach to practical-oriented higher education, with a specific focus on renewable energies and e-mobility.
>>Project Profile


10/2023 Final PROCEED Conference and trip

The closing conference in Windhoek, Namibia, on September 14th and 15th marked the end of the German-Namibian research project PROCEED. During the concluding project trip, project leader Prof. Zörner and the team bid farewell to the local partners and pilot communities.
>>Project Profile


05/2023 AMBER:first project meeting in Ifrane, Morocco

The first project meeting of all project partners of AMBER - Accelerate Morocco's BiogasSector took place from 15 to 19 May 2023 at the partner university Al Akhawayn University (AUI) in Ifrane, Morocco. At the meeting, the representatives of THI together with AUI and École Nationale d'Agriculture were able to deepen the planning for the project period and exchange ideas and knowledge.
>>Project Profile

11/2022 ÖkoFlussPlan: Successful implementation of sustainable insulation and installation of a solar thermal system for the "Real Lab" in Kyrgyzstan

The Real Lab takes a multi-dimensional approach to spread knowledge and awareness about renewable energies in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan. It is a 100 m² building that is being constructed in Ak-Tal, a village in the Naryn region. The focus of the work is on sustainable insulation and sustainable heat supply.
>>Project Profile

10/2022 Start of AMBER project

With the DAAD-funded cooperation project " AMBER - Accelerate Morocco’s Biogas Sector: A Higher Education–Industry Partnership " we try to boost the biogas sector of the Maghreb country together with our project partners from Morocco. The project will be implemented between 01.10.22 and 31.12.25.

>>Project Profile

07/2022 DFG project: Energy Supply in Sub-Saharan Africa

After more than two years of purely digital exchanges and extensive Zoom calls, the PROCEED team was finally able to meet in person in Namibia! From April 2nd to 15th, representatives from Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), University of Bayreuth (UBT), Hochschule Neu-Ulm (HNU) and IBC SOLAR AG were able to visit partners in Windhoek
>>Project Profile


04/2022 PROCEED project: Field trip in Namibia successfully completed

After more than two years of purely digital exchanges and extensive Zoom calls, the PROCEED team was finally able to meet in person in Namibia! From April 2nd to 15th, representatives from Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), University of Bayreuth (UBT), Hochschule Neu-Ulm (HNU) and IBC SOLAR AG were able to visit partners in Windhoek
>>Project Profile


02/2022 Launch of the SEED website!

We are pleased to announce that our project Sustainable Energy Education Districts for Informal Settlements, SEED, has its own project website now. On this website, the Institute of new Energy Systems and the project partners Technical University of Kenya, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Universität Bayreuth and Phaesun GmbH will regularly inform about the latest developments and results in the conceptual development of the holistic energy concept. Please visit us at

SEED (funding code: 01DG21015A) is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funding research for the strengthening of resilience and development of structures in African cities and conurbations (AfResi), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

12/2021 InES booth at the OFF-GRID Expo & Conference Augsburg

On December 2nd and 3rd, the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES) presented both the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and its international project activities at its booth at the OFF-GRID Expo & Conference in Augsburg. More than 50 exhibitors from the off-grid community had the opportunity to demonstrate their off-grid solutions and products. Exhibitors included other universities as well as (international) companies specialised in the off-grid sector. The event was implemented on-site in compliance with hygiene guidelines and a test concept.

09/2021 ÖkoFlussPlan: Start of Construction Works for “Real Lab” in Kyrgyzstan

Construction has been begun of “Real Lab” – a community house, to demonstrate the use of sustainable energy solutions in high-altitude and cold climatic region of rural Kyrgyzstan.
>>Project Profile      


04/2021 Project start SEED

The BMBF-funded joint project "Sustainable Energy Education Districts for Informal Settlements" (SEED) will develop sustainable energy supply concepts - so-called "energy hubs" - for informal settlements in emerging and developing countries together with project partners from Kenya and Mozambique. InES has the overall lead of the project, which will be implemented in the period from 01.04.21 to 31.03.24. Other partners on the German side are Phaesun GmbH and the University of Bayreuth. On the local side, the Technical University Kenya and the Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, among others, are involved in the project.
>>Project Profile



11/2020 First virtual meeting REMO

The Renewable Energy-based E-Mobility in Higher Education (REMO) project is focusing on higher education in the countries of Tunisia and Morocco. The aim is to increasingly address the topics of renewable energy technologies (RET) and e-mobility in teaching and research. At the first virtual meeting with the North African university partners Al Akhawayn University (AUI) and University of Carthage - National School of Sciences and Advanced Technologies in Borj Cedria (ENSTAB) as well as industrial partners from Morocco, Tunisia and Germany, the project partners introduced themselves to each other and discussed the next steps. In the coming months, among other things, the project teams will be completed and the research topics defined. REMO is funded by the DAAD and continues until December 2023.
>>Project Profile

08/2020 BRIAS meeting in Neu-Ulm

The Bavarian Research Institute of African Studies  (BRIAS) was founded in 2014 by four universities: Hochschule Neu-Ulm, University Würzburg, University Bayreuth as well as Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. The aim of BRIAS is to sensitize key stakeholders in politics and society for the universities’ comprehensive expertise in interdisciplinary research with African partners. At this year's coordination meeting in early August, the universities reported on current projects in Africa and sharpened BRIAS’ strategic focus.


02/2020 Project start MIRET

Through the EU-funded MIRET project (Mobility for Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies) InES supports student mobility within Africa in the field of renewable energies.
>>Project Profile

10/2019 Continuation HAW Kenia

The initiative "East Africa Network of Excellence for Universities of Applied Sciences" can be continued, thanks to renewed funding by the DAAD, under the leadership of InES until the end of 2021. The project's content focuses on engineering sciences, particularly renewable energy technology.
>>Project Profile



07/2019 Start of the project "ÖkoFlussPlan"

The conservation of alluvial forests along the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan is the focus of the international and interdisciplinary project titled "ÖkoFlussPlan". The three-year project involves partner institutions from Germany and Kyrgyzstan and has the objective of maintaining the alluvial forests of the Naryn and providing and implementing sustainable energy resources for the local population. InES is responsible for the sub-project  "sustainable energy resources". "ÖkoFlussPlan" is being financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


05/2019 Electromobility in Kenya

The Siemens Foundation operates so-called Water Energy Hubs (WE! Hubs) on Lake Victoria in Kenya via a local susidiary. These Hubs provide the population around the lake with access to sustainably generated electricity and clean drinking water. On behalf of the Siemens Foundation, InES develops concepts for the integration of e-mobility into the existing WE! Hub infrastructure in order to expand the operating range of the WE! Hubs into the interior of the country. Moreover, future plans encompass for instance running fishing boats with PV electricity, thus helping to protect the fragile ecosystem of Lake Victoria.

04/2019 Start of the project PROCEED

The application-oriented joint project „Pathway to Renewable Off-Grid Community Energy for Development (PROCEED)“ examines options for a sustainable energy supply based on Renewable Energies via decentralised mini-grids in rural Africa. Under the leadership of InES, the German and Namibian project partners aim to effectively link technology and service developments, by focusing on an interdisciplinary approach (society, economy, technology). PROCEED is being financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
News article "Project start PROCEED" -
Important milestone in the PROCEED project -



03/2018 Research cooperation with ENSTAB in Tunisia

Based on the initiative of InES, the THI concluded a University Partnership Agreement with the École Nationale des Sciences et Technologies Avancées à Borj Cedria (ENSTAB) in Tunisia, at the beginning of 2018. Such a cooperation between the two institutions has been inspired by the stay of two ENSTAB students at InES as well as a delegation visit of the ENSTAB University Directors to Ingolstadt in October 2017. In addition to student exchanges, joint research projects in the field of Renewable Energies are planned as part of the partnership.

11/2017 Start of the HAW Kenya project

With the new initiative "East Africa Network of Excellence for Universities of Applied Sciences", InES is launching its cooperation with partners in Kenya. The project's overarching objective is to inform Kenyan academics about the German concept of "Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW)" and to facilitate a transfer into the local context. The two-year project will be implemented under the leadership of the Hochschule Neu-Ulm and is being supported by the German Federal Foreign Office as well as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


09/2017 Research cooperation with Ethiopia

In addition to the existing Partnership Agreeent with the Addis Ababa University of Science and Technology which was concluded in 2016, the THI and the Ethiopia Ministry of Science and Technology have now agreed to intensify their cooperation in the frame of application oriented research projects in the realm of Renewable Energies. The details of this new agreement have been elaborated during a delegation visit by the THI in Ethiopia in August 2017, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


08/2017 Conclusion of NEED-project

After a duration of 3.5 years, the NEED project was successfully completed in August 2017. Being the first EU-funded project coordinated by THI, important findings on sustainable and secure energy supply for Sub-Saharan Africa were developed under the leadership of InES. NEED was funded under the ACP Science and Technology II Programme of the European Union.
Newsartikel "NEED-Abschlusskonferenz" lesen >>
Newsartikel "NEED-Veranstaltungen in Afrika" lesen >>
Newsartikel "Besuch aus Afrika an der THI" lesen >>


01/2016 Launch of the AIR project

The Academic Initiative for Renewables (AIR) project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from 2016-2019 as part of the programme "University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Developing Countries". The aim of the project is to establish a more practice-oriented academic education in the field of Renewable Energies.  A total of seven partner universities and 15 industrial partners from Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe will participate in the project.
Newsartikel "THI entwickelt Studiengänge zusammen mit Afrikanischen Hochschulen" lesen >>
Newsartikel "THI baut Hochschulnetzwerk mit afrikanischen Partner-Universitäten aus" lesen >>


01/2016 Cooperation agreement with the Addis Ababa Science & Technology University in Ethiopia

In June 2015, a five-member delegation from Ethiopia visited THI to learn more about international activities and to exchange information on potential areas of cooperation. The representatives of the Ethiopian Ministry of Science, the Technical University of the capital Addis Ababa and other members of the government initiated the long-term institutional partnership.


03/2014 Launch of the NEED project

Together with five partners from Namibia, Zambia and Botswana, THI has defined several goals: to create structures for the development of technical know-how in the field of Renewable Energies in the participating countries; to connect important local stakeholders; and to increase the awareness for the benefits of Renewable Energies and a subsequent willigness for political action. The Network of Energy Excellence for Development (NEED) is scheduled for three years and receives funding from the European Union within the ACP Science and Technology II Programme.
Newsartikel "THI startet zusammen mit afrikanischen Partnern das Forschungsprojekt NEED" lesen >>


02/2014 Foundation of the Bavarian Research Institut for African Studies (BRIAS)

BRIAS is based on a cooperation between the THI, the University of Bayreuth, the University of Würzburg and the Hochschule Neu-Ulm in the field of African studies. The multidisciplinary research institute strives to create awareness in society and politics for topics relevant in the African context. Moreover, it aims to foster cooperations with African research partners. Thus, new research ideas are developed and implemented together with partners in Africa.
Newsartikel "THI gründet bayerisches Afrikanisches Forschungsinstitut BRIAS mit" lesen >>


2013 Student project "Tourist Lodge"

Dr. Tobias Bader, then PhD student at InES, developed an energy concept for a so-called "EcoEduLodge" together with students at THI. The idea was to analyse how to supply a lodge with Renewable Energies while simultaneously using the installation for educational purposes.



11/2012 Fact finding mission in Botswana and Namibia

As part of a fact-finding mission, InES scientists visit universities, research institutions and other local stakeholders in the field of Renewable Energy technology in Botswana and Namibia. In the course of this trip, the main pillars of the NEED-project are elaborated together with local partners.




02/2012 First visit in Botswana and Namibia

The first visit to establish contacts with universities in Sub-Saharan Africa leads to the Botswana International University of Science and Technology.
Newsartikel "Hochschule Ingolstadt vereinbart Kooperation mit Universität in Botswana zu Erneuerbaren Energien" >>


2004 Amadi Solar

At the request of the Augustinus Missionswerk Würzburg and with the participation of HaWi Energietechnik GmbH, students create an energy concept for a hospital in the Congo.




Group Leader Intern. Cooperation Africa & Central Asia at the Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)
Dr. Carina Mwatunga, PhD.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6459


At the beginning of 2022, we launched our new newsletter "InES International", in which we report on the international cooperation projects of the InES. Browse through the newsletters published so far.




More information



More information

RE.Act - Renewable Energy Action: A Sustainable water-energy nexus Partnership for Higher Education in Central Asia


Project partners:

  • Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers - National Research University (TIIAME-NRU) in Tashkent, Usbekistan (
  • Naryn State University named after Satybaldi Naamatov (NSU) in Naryn, Kirgisistan (

More information

SWITCH: Stabilizing weak grids through machine learning: empowering farmers in end-of-line communities in North Africa through artificial neural networks



More information

AMBER - Accelerate Morocco's Biogas Sector


Al Akhawayn University (AUI)
École Nationale d'Agriculture (ENA)
Awite Bioenergie GmbH
Snow Leopard Projects GmbH
Coopérative Al Wifac
Ben Aziz Agri


More information

DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) - Addressing the Technological and Socio-Economic Factors Hindering the Use of Solar PV-Based Mini-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa with Focus on Lesotho and Mozambique

Partner Universitäten:


More information

SEED - Sustainable Energy Education Districts for Informal Settlements

Partner Universitäten:



More information

MIRET - Mobility for Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies

Partner Universitäten:





International research network

In addition, InES researchers cooperate on an international level with the following scientific associations and partners (selection):

  • International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
  • Research platforms of the International Energy Agency: Task 38: Solar Air-Conditioning; Task 39: Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications
  • De Montfort University, Leicester (GB): Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development
  • City University of Hong Kong (CN): Division of Building Science and Technology

Contribution to international climate protection by InES' project

Launched in April 2019, the PROCEED project is part of the funding programme CLIENT II and contributes to international climate protection efforts. The video shows how CLIENT II supports international cooperation for the development of innovative and sustainable climate, energy, environmental and resource solutions. Moreover, it explains CLIENT II's pioneering approach to promote joint research and development projects between German research institutions and companies and similar partners in emerging and developing countries.

Watch the video

NEED: Finale Results

Results of all projects funded under the ACP-EU Co-operation Programme of Higher Education (EDULINK II) and Science and Technology II (S&T II) where our NEED project was also part of, can be found in this general project results and impacts document.
