Project description
- In the area of driver assistance systems, a distinction is made between: passive systems such as cameras and active systems that evaluate the back reflection of a radiant energy (radar - or infrared - wavelength range) emitted by the respective sensor in a two-way measurement.
- Secondary radar is based on radar sensors used in medium- and long-range systems for object detection.
- For radar-based sensors in the field of driver assistance systems, the principle of "secondary radar" can be implemented in an advantageous way that helps to provide additional protection for objects with particular risk potential.
- Objects with increased risk potential carry a transponder that is activated by the radar sensor in the vehicle and, in addition to the reflected wave, communicates an additional message with the class of the object to the surrounding traffic.
Project information
Tasks THI | Analogous to the "secondary radar" concept described above, a sensor concept for improved object detection is being realized, preferably for complex traffic situations in urban areas. |
Project partner | Conti Temic, THI |
Project sponsor | "Mensch in Bewegung" |
Project term | 01/01/2018 until 12/31/2022 |

Group Leader Optical Sensors
Marcel Kettelgerdes, M. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6451
Room: S421
Marcel Kettelgerdes, M. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6451
Room: S421
Open positions
If you are interested in vacancies for student work within the research group, please send an email with CV to