A detailed roadmap can be found on the homepage of the THI.
We in the research group "Sensor Technology and Data Fusion for Environmental Perception", headed by Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger, are working on modern sensor systems for environmental perception to address some of the most important challenges of mobility, such as ensuring the safety of pedestrians and vehicle occupants by means of vehicle and infrastructure-side sensor technology, but also safeguarding the sensor technology itself using intelligent methods for sensor condition monitoring.
Our projects are diverse and include software-centric projects in the field of multimodal environment detection, for example for infrastructure-side traffic flow optimization at traffic junctions and crosswalks, or vehicle-side construction site mapping. On the other hand, the group is active in various hardware-centered projects in which research questions on reliable sensor packaging and optics design are answered. To this end, the sensors are examined with regard to aging and weather influences, among other things, and their behavior is modelled. Based on this, AI-based methods for monitoring the condition of the sensors are being researched in order to ensure their safe operation over the entire product life cycle.
The overall aim of the group is to generate a precise image of the environment, both on the vehicle and infrastructure side, based on the development and real-time capable fusion of reliable sensor systems and modern methods of artificial intelligence, and to be able to evaluate this with regard to environmental and ageing influences. Reliable perception and mapping of the environment is therefore essential for the increasingly automated traffic of tomorrow.
With our diverse expertise in the areas of sensor technology, vehicle communication and artificial intelligence, we are focusing on current and future topics of automated and cooperative driving, promoting synergies with local industry and close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Application Center and the city of Ingolstadt.
Our research group currently comprises around 8 scientific employees, who in turn are supported by numerous student employees, bachelor's and master's students.
Research Group
The group has a broad range of competencies in the areas of sensor technology, communication and artificial intelligence. The group works in a wide range of synergies with local industry and close cooperation is sought with the city of Ingolstadt and its partners.

Offers for students in the Sensor Technology and Data Fusion for Environmental Perception group
Topic | Betreuer | Art |
Realization of enhanced environmental perception by low level fusion of solid state Automotive LiDAR and RGB camera sensors | Marcel Kettelgerdes | Research Master |
LiDAR-camera fusion-based Road Unknown Obstacle Detection (anomaly detection) | Yan Zhiran | Bachelor-/Masterthesis |
Open Simulation Interface (OSI) compliant Development of a Raytracing-based Flash LiDAR Sensor Model in C++ | Marcel Kettelgerdes | Bachelor-/Masterthesis |
Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger
Phone: +49 841 9348-2840
Room: A114
E-Mail: Gordon.Elger@thi.de
Postal Address
PO Box 21 04 54
85019 Ingolstadt
Visitors´Address (Location Donaukurier)
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Stauffenbergstr. 2 A
85051 Ingolstadt
Phone: +49 841 9348-6492
E-Mail: assistenz-iimo-elger@thi.de
Open positions
If you are interested in vacancies for student work within the research group, please send an email with CV to assistenz-iimo-elger@thi.de.