The research activities in this research laboratory can be divided into three categories:
- Assembly and connection technology
- Life and reliability testing and
- Analytics.
The assembly part of the activities focuses on preparation and assembly of the bonded microelectronic joints. The reliability testings deal with the mechanical, electrical, and thermal integrity of the bonded microelectronic joints. By monitoring the state of a component it is possible to predict the remaining useful life of a component. Below the list of the equipment for these three set of research activities are provided.
Environmental Test Chamber
Currently under development is an Environmental Test Chamber (ETC). The ETC is not only able to stress components by temperature cycling or by vibration testing but to combine this test to try to replicate field conditions more realistically. Additionally, the atmosphere in the test camper will be controllable, humidity and noxious gases can be added.
The primary application for the ETC will be the testing of cameras- and LiDAR-Sensors. The state of the sensors will be monitored during accelerated aging. The generated date will help to develop physics based and data driven models.
In its secondary application the ETC is supposed to test non optical electrical components in simultaneously run tests.

Prof. Dr. Gordon Elger
Phone: +49 841 9348-2840
Room: A114
Open positions
If you are interested in vacancies for student work within the research group, please send an email with CV to