Dr. Meinert Lewerenz

Senior Research Associate Institute of Innovative Mobility (IIMo)
Main research
- Head of the own research group I-BasE with focus on float current analysis, modeling and measurement technology development
- Scientific investigations on Li-ion cells
- Differential voltage analysis and homogeneity
- Influence of high frequency switching on aging
- Investigation of float currents for cal. Aging
Current projects
- Innovative Battery Test Strategies for the Energy System Transformation (I-BasE)
- Diagnostics of Battery Cells and Battery Packs
- Research on fast and high-precision float current technology as an alternative to conventional calendar ageing tests on lithium ion cells and research on fast parameterizable ageing prognosis simulations
- Research Environment for Safe Learning Battery Systems (FUsLeBat)
- Accelerated Aging Tests and Lifetime Predictions (BALd)
- since 2022: Head of the junior research group I-BasE (Innovative Battery Test Strategies for the Energy System Transformation)
- since 2018: Senior Scientist in the research group Electromobility and Learning Systems at the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo) at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
- 2018: PhD at RWTH with the title "Dissection and Quantitative Description of Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Non-Destructive Methods Validated by Post-Mortem-Analyses"
- 2013-2018: Research Assistant/PhD student in the Department of Materials Analysis and Lifetime Prediction at the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen University.
- 2009-2013: Research associate in the department of energy storage at the EWE Research Center for Energy Technology e.V. NEXT ENERGY in Oldenburg (today DLR)
- 2009: Referent at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
- 2008: Research associate in the field of thermoelectrics at the Institute of Materials Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne-Porz
- 2002-2007: Physics studies first at the University of Heidelberg followed by a transfer to the University of Bonn, Diploma in Physics
M. Azzam, M. Ehrensberger, C. Endisch, D.-U. Sauer, M. Lewerenz, Comparison of dU/dQ, Voltage Decay, and Float Currents via Temperature Ramps and Steps in Li-ion Batteries, Batteries & Supercaps (2024), e202400627. https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202400627.
M. Azzam, M. Ehrensberger, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Accelerating float current measurement with temperature ramps revealing entropy insights, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 102, Part B (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.114142.
S. Paarmann, M. Schreiber, A. Chahbaz, F. Hildenbrand, G. Stahl, M. Rogge, P. Dechent, O. Queisser, S. D. Frankl, P. Morales Torricos, Y. Lu, N. I. Nikolov, M. Kateri, D. U. Sauer, M. A. Danzer, T. Wetzel, C. Endisch, M. Lienkamp, A. Jossen, M. Lewerenz, Short-Term Tests, Long-Term Predictions – Accelerating Ageing Characterisation of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Batteries & Supercaps (2024), e202300594. https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202300594.
M. Azzam, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Evaluating the Aging-Induced Voltage Slippery as Cause for Float Currents of Lithium-ion Cells, Batteries 10(1) (2024) 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries10010003.
M. Azzam, M. Ehrensberger, R. Scheuer, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Long-Term Self-Discharge Measurements and Modelling for Various Cell Types and Cell Potentials, Energies 16(9) (2023) 3889. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16093889.
P. Morales Torricos, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Apparent Aging during Accelerated Cycling Aging Test of Cylindrical Silicon Containing Li-Ion Cells, Batteries 9 (4) (2023) 230. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries9040230.
X. Straßer, G. W. Ngaleu, C. Hanzl, M. Azzam, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Influence of Switching on the Aging of High Energy Lithium-Ion Cells, Batteries 9 (2) (2023) 139. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries9020139.
G. W. Ngaleu, M. Theiler, X. Straßer, C. Hanzl, L. Komsiyska, C. Endisch, M. Lewerenz, Influence of Switching on the Aging of High Power Lithium-Ion Cells, Batteries 8(4) (2022), 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries8040033
L. Komsiyska, T. Buchberger, S. Diehl, M. Ehrensberger, C. Hanzl, C. Hartmann, M. Hölzle, J. Kleiner, M. Lewerenz, B. Liebhart, M. Schmid, D. Schneider, S. Speer, J. Stöttner, C. Terbrack, M. Hinterberger, C. Endisch, Critical Review of Intelligent Battery Systems: Challenges, Implementation, and Potential for Electric Vehicles, Energies 14 (2021) 5989. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14185989.
M. Theiler, C. Endisch and M. Lewerenz, Float Current Analysis for Fast Calendar Aging Assessment of 18650 Li(NiCoAl)O2/Graphite Cells, Batteries 7 (2021) 22. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries7020022.
M. Lewerenz, C. Rahe, G. Fuchs, C. Endisch, D.U. Sauer, Evaluation of shallow cycling on two types of uncompressed automotive Li (Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2-Graphite pouch cells, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 30 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2020.101529.
S. Liu, M. Winter, M. Lewerenz, J. Becker, D.U. Sauer, Z. Ma, J. Jiang, Analysis of cyclic aging performance of commercial Li4Ti5O12-based batteries at room temperature, Energy 173 (2019) 1041–1053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.02.150.
M. Lewerenz, P. Dechent, D.U. Sauer, Investigation of capacity recovery during rest period at different states-of-charge after cycle life test for prismatic Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2-graphite cells, Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 680–690. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2019.01.004.
M. Lewerenz, D.U. Sauer, Evaluation of cyclic aging tests of prismatic automotive LiNiMnCoO2-Graphite cells considering influence of homogeneity and anode overhang, Journal of Energy Storage 18 (2018) 421–434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2018.06.003.
M. Lewerenz, G. Fuchs, L. Becker, D.U. Sauer, Irreversible calendar aging and quantification of the reversible capacity loss caused by anode overhang, Journal of Energy Storage 18 (2018) 149–159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2018.04.029.
M. Lewerenz, A. Warnecke, D.U. Sauer, Post-mortem analysis on LiFePO4|Graphite cells describing the evolution & composition of covering layer on anode and their impact on cell performance, J. Power Sources 369 (2017) 122–132. https://doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.10.003.
M. Lewerenz, A. Marongiu, A. Warnecke, D.U. Sauer, Differential voltage analysis as a tool for analyzing inhomogeneous aging: a case study for LiFePO4|Graphite cylindrical cells, J. Power Sources 368 (2017) 57–67. https://doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.09.059.
M. Lewerenz, A. Warnecke, D.U. Sauer, Introduction of capacity difference analysis (CDA) for analyzing lateral lithium-ion flow to determine the state of covering layer evolution, J. Power Sources 354 (2017) 157–166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.04.043.
M. Lewerenz, J. Münnix, J. Schmalstieg, S. Käbitz, M. Knips, A. Warnecke, D.U. Sauer, New method evaluating currents keeping the voltage constant for fast and high resolved measurement of Arrhenius relation and capacity fade, J. Power Sources 353 (2017) 144–151. https://doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.03.136.
M. Lewerenz, J. Münnix, J. Schmalstieg, S. Käbitz, M. Knips, D.U. Sauer, Systematic aging of commercial LiFePO4jGraphite cylindrical cells including a theory explaining rise of capacity during aging, J. Power Sources 345 (2017) 254–263. https://doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.01.133.
L. Komsiyska, S.A.G. Barragan, M. Lewerenz, D. Ledwoch, O. Osters, Detecting Aging Phenomena in Commercial Cathodes for Li-ion Batteries using High Resolution Computed Tomography 93 (2014) 158–163. https://doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.93.158.
M. Radicke, A. Engelbertz, B. Habenstein, M. Lewerenz, O. Oehms, P. Trautner, B. Weber, S. Wrede, K. Maier, New image contrast method in magnetic resonance imaging via ultrasound, Hyperfine Interact 181 (2008) 21–26. https://doi:10.1007/s10751-008-9628-6.