Shiva Agrawal, M. Sc.

Scientific Research Associate Institute of Innovative Mobility (IIMo) | PhD student in the Artificial Intelligence Cluster
Multi-sensor system development and data fusion for Intelligent roadside infrastructure-based environment perception.
Title of PhD dissertation:
Enhancing 3D detections of road users by smart infrastructure using AI-based low level sensor fusion.
- Since 01/2021: Research assistant at the Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
- 02/2016 – 12/2020: Software and system developer for ADAS Sensors at Automotive Safety Technologies GmbH (now known as VAIVA Safe Mobility GmbH), Gaimersheim, Germany
- 08/2016 – 01/2017: Master thesis - automotive radar sensor model development
- 02/2016 – 07/2016: Internship - software development for automotive radar sensor performance evaluation
- 09/2014 – 03/2017: International master’s in electrical engineering and information technology from Darmstadt University of Applied Science, Germany
- 07/2013 – 05/2014: Lecturer in Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 07/2012 – 05/2013: Graduate Trainee Engineer at Petrofac Engineering India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
- 08/2008 – 05/2012: Bachelor of Engineering - Instrumentation and Control from University of Mumbai, India
- S. Agrawal, S. Bhanderi and G. Elger, "Semi-Automatic Annotation of 3D Radar and Camera for Smart Infrastructure-Based Perception," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 34325-34341, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3373310.
- Agrawal, S., Song, R., Doycheva, K., Knoll, A., Elger, G. (2023). Intelligent Roadside Infrastructure for Connected Mobility. In: Klein, C., Jarke, M., Ploeg, J., Helfert, M., Berns, K., Gusikhin, O. (eds) Smart Cities, Green Technologies, and Intelligent Transport Systems. SMARTGREENS VEHITS 2022 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1843. Springer, Cham.
- S. Agrawal, S. Bhanderi, K. Doycheva and G. Elger, "Static Multitarget-Based Autocalibration of RGB Cameras, 3-D Radar, and 3-D Lidar Sensors," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 18, pp. 21493-21505, 15 Sept.15, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3300957.
- Agrawal, S.; Bhanderi, S.; Amanagi, S.; Doycheva, K. and Elger, G. (2023). Instance Segmentation and Detection of Children to Safeguard Vulnerable Traffic User by Infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - VEHITS; ISBN 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN 2184-495X, SciTePress, pages 206-214. DOI: 10.5220/0011825400003479
- Agrawal, S.; Song, R.; Kohli, A.; Korb, A.; Andre, M.; Holzinger, E. and Elger, G. (2022). Concept of Smart Infrastructure for Connected Vehicle Assist and Traffic Flow Optimization. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - VEHITS; ISBN 978-989-758-573-9; ISSN 2184-495X, SciTePress, pages 360-367. DOI: 10.5220/0011068800003191
- S. Agrawal and G. Elger, "Concept of Infrastructure Based Environment Perception for IN2Lab test field for Automated Driving," 2021 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Manchester, United Kingdom, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ISC253183.2021.9562894.