Welcome to the Research and Transfer Center Sustainability Neuburg

In view of the dwindling scope for a good life for humans, animals and plants, holistic solutions and cross-system action are required. ForTraNN is actively involved in these processes.

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Knowledge Transfer

ForTraNN News

THI brings sustainable impetus to the 11th grade

Project day at Apian Gymnasium more

An important step towards a sustainable future

15 trainees from regional companies have completed the KUS Sustainability Scouts program. With their expertise, they contribute to anchoring all… more

Discussion with experts from research and industry on the energy transition

Panel discussion "Just a moment to save the world?" at Scheyern Monastery inspires young audience more

Mastering climate extremes: climate-adapted construction as the key to prevention

Closing event of the Neuburger Nachhaltigkeitsgespräche 2024 attracts a large audience more
Gruppenbild des Dexcartes Gymnasium

Just a moment to save the world? THI takes part in the Descartes High School's Climate Day

Neuburg Grammar School wants to become a climate school. To get closer to this goal, a climate day was organized with many activities and impulses for… more

No moss, no action?

At the Neuburg Sustainability Talks on Tuesday, the 4th of June, experts will discuss whether and how climate-friendly building materials can be… more

Profits and conscience: Is it possible to invest responsibly?

Prof. Dr Holger Hoppe (THI), Helmut Rehm (Sparkasse Neuburg), and Manuel Grafendorfer (THI Campus for Continuing Education) will address this question… more

Is climate protection socially (in)just?

On Tuesday, 7th of May, Prof. Dr Julia Blasch (THI), Hans-Peter Wilk (Caritas e. V.), Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider (Catholic University of… more

The Neuburg Sustainability Talks enter the next round

The established format will kick off on Tuesday, 23rd of April with the discussion "Into the future at 30 km/h. From the countryside to the city and… more

How can the Neuburg campus become even more sustainable?

Lisa Lohse, research assistant at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, used a drone flight to carry out a thermal emissions analysis… more

Our team at Campus Neuburg

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Holzhammer
Director ForTraNN Sustainability Research and Transfer

+49 841 9348-5025
Prof. Dr. Julia Blasch
Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure

+49 841 9348-2395
Prof. Dr. Oliver Blask
Vice Dean at the Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure, Chair of the examinations committee at faculty NI, Academic Director Sustainable Civil Engineering,

+49 841 9348-2394
Prof. Dr. Holger Hoppe
Head of the Sustainability and Environmental Management Program

+49 841 9348-2391
Julia Pfeiffer
Researcher Project Mensch in Bewegung: Sustainable lifestyles and business concepts, sustainable mobility

+49 841 9348-6525
Tanja Mast, M.Sc.
Research assistant Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)

+49 841 9348-6498
Eva Birke
Research Associate SustainED

+49 841 9348-2622
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