Graduate Center News and Events

Image of the Hackadon logo 2020

HACKADON - HACK. PROTOTYPE. DISRUPT. - November 24th - 29th, 2020

Another year, another chance - it's time for the third round of the "HACKADON". However, special situations require special measures: Due to Covid-19,… more
Illustration of a desk with various documents on it

FORTEC-Grundlagenseminar: Förderantragstellung am 28.10.2020

Im FORTEC-Grundlagenseminar "Förderantragstellung" am 28.10.2020 (9:30 - 12:00 Uhr) wird ein Überblick über die nationale und internationale… more
Fig: BayWISS Logo Mobility and Transport

Joint Academic Partnership "Mobility & Transport" 4th network event on 23 November 2020

The Joint Academic Partnership "Mobility & Transport" of the Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS) hereby cordially invites you to its 4th networking… more
Fig.: Students on exchange

RISE Germany 2021 - Research internships

To support internationalization in the natural and engineering sciences, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) places North American, British… more
Representations of light bulbs in a row from which a shining light bulb is highlighted.

Seminar start-up consulting: Idea generation - transfer - implementation

On 24.10., 30.10. and 31.10., 03.11. und 10.11.2020 the seminar founder consultation with Simon Stapf takes place. more
Figure: Student in the lecture hall

Opportunities for young scientists: Network with research in the USA!

Until October 1, 2020, young German scientists* can apply for a doctoral scholarship at Fulbright Germany. We support four to six-month research… more
Figure: Logo Exzellenzstiftung Ingolstädter Wissenschaft Ignaz Kögler

Exzellenzstiftung Ingolstadt bietet zwei Ignaz Kögler Stipendien an

Die Stiftung vergibt Stipendien an exzellente auswärtige Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die sich bereits einen Namen in der Wissenschaft… more
Figure: Cover picture of the flyer for the one-year scholarship

One-year scholarship - postgraduate studies in Bavaria

Well-founded specialist knowledge, the ability to work in an interdisciplinary manner and international experience are essential requirements that are… more
Fig: Flipchart Mindmap Start-up

Event: Business start-up on 14.01., 15.01. and 22.01.2021

Since there is no universal solution for all the decisions an entrepreneur has to face, this course is designed to develop a flexible, methodical and… more
Figure: Logo Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.

Marianne Plehn Programme for doctoral students

Scholarship plus job: New ways of promoting doctorates Studienstiftung and the Free State of Bavaria jointly launch a programme for the individual… more


Please contact us via

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Head of THI Doctoral School
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Phone: +49 841 9348-3650
Room: P001
Managing Director
Dr. Monika Kolpatzik
Phone: +49 841 9348-1560
Room: P002
Marketing Assistant
Marina Schleicher
Phone: +49 841 9348-3539
Room: P002