Graduate Center News and Events

Illustration of seven light bulbs in a row. The third bulb is lit and is further up.

Digitaler GEW-Workshop der Projektgruppe Doktorand*innen in der GEW am 15. und 16. Oktober 2021

„Promovieren mit FH/HAW-Abschluss. Kooperative Promotionsverfahren erwünscht?“ Für FH/HAW-Absolvent*innen und -Angehörige, Promotionsinteressierte,… more
Illustration of international students with the text "Study in the USA - yes please" underneath.

Opportunities for young scientists: Network with research in the USA!

Young German scientists can apply for a doctoral fellowship at Fulbright Germany until November 1, 2021. more
Illustration of the word Promotion! with colorful splashes of paint in the background

1. Kaminabend am 29.07.2021 von 17:00 bis 19:00 Uhr

Wir laden Euch recht herzlich zum ersten Kaminabend des Graduiertenzentrums der THI in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BayWISS Verbundkolleg Mobilität &… more
Image of Amit Chaulwar with a multi-lane road in the background.

Amit Chaulwar successfully completes his doctorate as the first fellow of the BayWISS Collaborative Research Center Mobility and Transport

Mr. Amit Chaulwar joined the newly established BayWISS Verbundkolleg Mobility and Transport as one of the first PhD students in 2016. After 5 years,… more
Illustration of a doctoral student between stacked books

Der Ratgeber für die Promotion

Promovieren - ja oder nein?, Themenwahl, Bewerbungstipps, Gehalt und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten – hier finden Sie alles Wichtige für die Promotion… more
Illustration of a jubilant doctoral candidate wearing a doctoral hat jumping into the air in front of a blue sky with a white cloud.

Online-Talk: DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs on 26.05.2021

Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. more
[Translate to English:] Image of hands on a wooden table working with smartphones, tablets or notebooks.

New Internet service bundles information on Open Access

The DFG supports Open Access in a variety of ways. A new website provides an overview of funding opportunities, positions and international… more
PhD students and their supervisor gather around a table

Promotionsstipendien für Frauen

Stipendienprogramme für Frauen auf dem Weg zur Professur more
A jubilant doctoral candidate with a doctoral hat jumps into the air

Kooperative Promotion mit Betreuungsvereinbarung im Themengebiet „Value Co-Creation im Servicemanagement“

Im Themengebiet „Value Co-Creation im Servicemanagement“ besteht die Möglichkeit, kooperativ zu promovieren. Partner sind die Universität Bayreuth,… more
Image of the KI Camp 2021 logo

KI-Camp 2021 on 27.04.2021

The BMBF and German Informatics Society (GI) are currently organizing the KI-Camp 2021 on April 27, 2021, which could be of interest to AI researchers… more


Please contact us via

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Head of THI Doctoral School
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Phone: +49 841 9348-3650
Room: P001
Managing Director
Dr. Monika Kolpatzik
Phone: +49 841 9348-1560
Room: P002
Marketing Assistant
Marina Schleicher
Phone: +49 841 9348-3539
Room: P002