THI intensifies cooperation with Serbia

A delegation led by State Secretary Vukašin Grozdić visited the university and toured the CARISSMA hall to discuss opportunities for cooperation.

Gruppenbild der Delegation Serbien am Cmapus der THI

State Secretary Vukašin Grozdić (5th from right) and THI Vice President Professor Hans-Joachim Hof (6th from right) (Photo: THI).

Student programs, synergy effects in research, networking of business partners: For THI, Serbia is an attractive partner in south-eastern Europe. State Secretary Vukašin Grozdić and a seven-member delegation were informed in particular about the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) with a focus on AImotion Bavaria, hydrogen technology, and funding opportunities for transnational research and the special support for the training of young professors. After a discussion with Professor Hans-Joachim Hof, Vice President for Digitalisation, the visitors from Serbia were informed about the research focus on autonomous driving in the CARISSMA hall.

The new cooperation between THI and the University of Belgrade - the oldest and most important university in Serbia - further expands the collaboration between the two countries in the field of science and technology: In addition to numerous individual contacts, there are currently already 15 official partnership agreements between Bavarian and Serbian universities. In addition, numerous Bavarian universities have partner institutions in Serbia.

With BAYHOST at the University of Regensburg, the Free State of Bavaria has its university center for Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe. It promotes international contacts in research and teaching as well as student and academic exchange. BAYHOST plays a key role for Bavaria and Serbia, particularly in networking with the Serbian higher education landscape.