Discussions included the development of scenarios, the analysis of risks and the definition of use cases for automated vehicles, presented by the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH). Other topics included the performance evaluation of new safety systems and human-machine interfaces and work on an integral safety protection system, both coordinated by Ingolstadt University of Technology. Vicomtech presented advances in occupant monitoring, while Capgemini Engineering presented developments in external human-machine interfaces (eHMI) for the interaction of highly automated vehicles with other road users.
A guided tour of the CARISSMA test facilities rounded off the programme. Current approaches and technologies for vehicle safety were presented. The first day concluded with demonstrations by the project partners, including the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), TECNALIA Research & Innovation, IRT SystemX and FICOSA.
The second day focused on communication, dissemination, and exploitation of the project results and the priorities of project coordination in the final year of the project.
The meeting was an important step in the cooperation between the project partners and highlighted the progress made towards safer and more inclusive mobility.
Further information on the project can be found at: https://aware2all.eu/