
Clinics need to have a wider range of medications available around the clock. For patient care and in the regional environment, the rapid provision of special emergency medications must also be ensured in the shortest possible time. This is generally ensured by appropriately equipped hospital pharmacies. Because of the distance to the nearest pharmacy and the associated transport time, primary care hospitals also have to keep a large stock of medications in order to ensure supply even for large numbers of patients. After the expiration date, the preparations must be disposed of. This circumstance is a cost factor not only for the hospital operator, but for the entire healthcare system.  The aim of the project is the rapid supply of medications for primary care clinics from the central pharmacy of a large hospital using automated UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems / drone system). In addition to pure drug transport, the system will provide real-time data on the availability of the transported drugs via the mCLOUD. In addition, the images created on the transport flight and other data from the disaster area will be made available to the task forces for situation assessment.  The project will equip the UAS with a detachable smart transport box. The box has intelligent electronics that, among other things, implement tamper-proof electronic transport documentation and, in conjunction with a 5G cellular interface, enable ongoing data exchange with cloud-based management software. The transport box is air-conditioned and must comply with the legal requirements for transporting medicines, which also entails specific temperature and hygiene requirements, among other things.

Network coordinator

Quantum-Systems GmbH

Project partner

Klinikum Ingolstadt, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm, Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz

THI Contact

Degree programme director "Automotive & Mobility Management" plus "Mobility Management and Mobility Technologies"
Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner
Phone: +49 841 9348-3231
Room: K301