Organizational structure of the AI node
The AImotion Bavaria institute consists of three focus clusters: Digital Production, Autonomous Driving and Unmanned Flying. The focus clusters are complemented by the cross-cutting cluster, which covers various topics such as ethics-acceptance-technology-consequences, mobility services/business models, mobility infrastructure, and AI methods.
The following roles and areas of responsibility have been defined for the AI mobility node AImotion Bavaria:
The scientific director AININ, who is responsible for the topic of mobility, has taken over the role of AI Node Speaker. As the central scientific contact person, he is responsible for the overall coordination as well as the strategic development of the AI mobility node in coordination with the university management. Within and outside the university, he represents the AI mobility node in committees and at (specialist) events. Within the AI node, he or she is responsible for scientific coordination and chairs central committees and meetings. As a permanent member of the appointment committees for the new AI mobility professorships, he plays a central role in the staffing of the AI mobility node.
All scientists in the AI mobility node are assigned to one of the three application clusters or the central cross-sectional cluster. A Cluster Speaker is to be appointed from among the respective clusters, analogous to existing research structures at the THI.
Cluster Speaker
Digital Production: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schiendorfer
Autonomous Driving: Prof. Dr. Torsten Schön
Unmanned Flying: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Elsbacher
Cross-Cutting Clusterr: Prof. Dr. Munir Georges
Strategic control functions for the AI mobility node are performed by the Steering Committee. It is the central decision and decision-making body for the AI node. Quarterly meetings are held to report on the status of the various AI projects, budgets and deadlines with regard to the overall strategy, and to make necessary decisions. The Steering Committee is composed of the THI President, the Vice President Research, the AI node spokesperson, the four cluster spokespersons and, representative for the AI endpoints from the university of an AI endpoint, a representative from the university management. The president of the THI is the chairman of this committee,
The Steering Committee will be supported by an AI Mobility Advisory Board. It should be composed of external experts in the field of AI and/or mobility from science and industry. The advisory board will focus on technological and project-oriented aspects as well as quality assurance. The AI node will also receive strategic and technical advice from the external experts, for example in the planning and implementation of use cases.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch
Phone: +49 841 9348-2721
Room: K209

Dr. Christian Lösel
Phone: +49 841 9348-1113
Room: K211