Thorsten Summ, M.Sc.

Head of Domestic Energy Systems at Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)



  • Bachseitz, M., Sheryar, M., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., PV-Optimized Heat Pump Control in Multi-Family Buildings Using a Reinforcement Learning Approach, Energies 17 (2024) 1908,
  • Bachseitz, M., Sheryar, M., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Reinforcement Learning for Building Energy System Control in Multi-Family Buildings, in: International Solar Energy Society, Proceedings: ISES Solar World Congress 2023, 2024, pp. 572–583, 03.11.2023, New Delhi, India,
  • Reum, T., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Schrag, T., Energetic Potential of Parallel Operation of Two Heat Sources in a Dual-Source Heat Pump, Int Sustain Ener Conf Proc 1 (2024),
  • Schmitt, D., Reum, T., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Investigation of the Flexibility Potential by Decoupling Building Mass and Room Temperature, in: 3rd International Sustainable Energy Conference, 2024, Graz.
  • Seiler, M., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Isolierglaskollektoren und Nahwärmenetze: Analyse des Betriebs und Herausforderungen bei der Integration, in: Conexio-PSE GmbH, Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme. Tagungsunterlagen, 2024, pp. 346–355, 14. - 16. Mai 2024.
  • Summ, T., Oyinlola, M., Khattak, S., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Towards maximum cost-effectiveness: multi-objective design optimisation of insulating glass flat-plate collectors, Applied Thermal Engineering (2024) 124594,
  • Summ, T., Oyinlola, M., Khattak, S., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Statistical analysis of solar thermal collectors in the Solar Keymark Database, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 61 (2024) 103581,
  • Summ, T., Sturm, B., Scherer, C., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Stresses and Strains for a Novel Design of Insulating Glass Flat-Plate Collector, in: International Solar Energy Society, Proceedings: ISES Solar World Congress 2023, 2024, pp. 372–382, 03.11.2023, New Delhi, India.
  • Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Agri-Solarthermie-Systeme: Effiziente Kombination von Freiflächen-Solarthermie und landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung durch bifaziale Flachkollektoren, in: Conexio-PSE GmbH, Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme. Tagungsunterlagen, 2024, pp. 118–129, 14. - 16. Mai 2024.
  • Vannahme, A., Müller, S., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Intermittent Operations of District Heating Networks in Summer Months, Int Sustain Ener Conf Proc 1 (2024),
  • Vannahme, A., Patel, D., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Technical and economic analysis of digitally controlled substations in local district heating networks, Energy 312 (2024) 133585,


  • Igiligi, A., Vielhauer, A., Ehrenwirth, M., Hurm, C., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Navarro Gevers, D., Assessment of Conservation Voltage Reduction in Distribution Networks with Voltage Regulating Distribution Transformers, Energies 16 (2023),
  • Reum, T., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Schrag, T., Investigation of a Novel Hybrid Heat Pump Concept, in: 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference, May 15-18 2023, Chicago, US “Heat Pumps – Resilient and Efficient” Conference Proceedings - Full Papers, Heat Pump Centre, 2023.
  • Schmitt, D., Reum, T., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Potential of a long-term predictive controller for managing energy storages to reduce the electric grid-load of an air-source heat pump, in: International Renewable Energy Storage and Systems Conference 2023, 2023.
  • Summ, T., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Pischow, K., Greenough, R., Oyinlola, M., Effect of argon concentration on thermal efficiency of gas-filled insulating glass flat-plate collectors, Applied Thermal Engineering (2023) 120657,
  • Vannahme, A., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Study of the optimization of an existing local district heating network with an increasing degree of digitalisation, in: Conference Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, 2023.

  • Klump, D., Summ, T., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Entwicklung einer optimierten Schichtungseinrichtung für Elektro-Direktheizungen in Wärmespeichern – Konzeptionelle Bewertung, Testaufbau und Bewertungsmethodik, in: Conexio-PSE GmbH, Tagungsband PV-Symposium 2022, 2022, pp. 647–661, 21.-23. Juni 2022, Bad-Staffelstein,
  • Reum, T., Summ, T., Ehrenwirth, M., Schrag, T., Experimental Investigation of a Novel Hybrid Heat Pump, in: Proceedings of EuroSun 2022 - ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, International Solar Energy Society, Freiburg, Germany, 2022, Kassel,
  • Summ, T., Seiler, M., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Agri Solar Thermal Systems: A Brief Study on the Energetic Potential of Bifacial Solar Thermal Systems, in: Proceedings of EuroSun 2022 - ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, International Solar Energy Society, Freiburg, Germany, 2022, 1245-1252, Kassel,
  • Vannahme, A., Patel, D., Summ, T., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Schrag, T., Central and decentral operation strategies to optimize existing district heating networks, in: Conference Proceedings of 8th International Smart Energy Systems Conference, Aalborg, 13/14 September 2022, Aalborg, 2022.
  • Vannahme, A., Summ, T., Schrag, T., Trinkl, C., Assessing the Benefit of Optimization Measures for Existing District Heating Systems. Poster., in: 12th Colloquium of the Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering (MEP), 2022.

  • Summ, T., Abdalsalam, M., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., A Detailed Investigation on the Convective Heat Transfer Inside the Enclosed Cavity of Insulated Glass Solar Thermal Flat-Plate Collectors, in: International Solar Energy Society (ISES), Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2021, 25.10.2021 - 29.10.2021, 2021, 476-486,
  • Summ, T., Scherer, C., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Messtechnische Untersuchung von Kleinmustern eines Isolierglaskollektors anhand von Temperaturbelastungstests, in: Conexio GmbH, Tagungsunterlagen: Online-Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme, 1st ed., Conexio GmbH, Pforzheim, 2021, pp. 401–408, 27. - 29. April 2021.

  • Summ, T., Ehrenwirth, M., Trinkl, C., Zörner, W., Entwicklung eines Großflächenkollektors in Isolierglasbauweise für den Einsatz in Wärmenetzen, in: Conexio GmbH, Tagungsunterlagen: Online-Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme, 1st ed., Pforzheim, 2020, pp. 435–448, 12. - 14. Mai 2020.