Thomas Hempen, M.Sc.

- Generating driving scenarios for testing safety relevant functions
- Valuation methods for driving scenarios (hazard potential, likelihood of occurrence, etc.)
- Evolutionary optimization strategies
- Model-based testing in the automotive sector
- Consistency within the test chain: From modelling to driving tests
- Hempen T., Biank S., Huber W., Diedrich C. (2018) Model Based Generation of Driving Scenarios. In: Kováčiková T., Buzna Ľ., Pourhashem G., Lugano G., Cornet Y., Lugano N. (eds) Intelligent Transport Systems – From Research and Development to the Market Uptake. INTSYS 2017. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 222. Springer, Cham
- Andreas Riener, Philipp Wintersberger, Thomas Hempen, Thomas Brandmeier, Christian Lauerer, Sinan Hasirlioglu, Fabio Reway, „A Flexible Mixed Reality Test Environment to Improve Simulation-based Testing for Highly Automated Driving“, Aktive Sicherheit und Automatisiertes Fahren – Methodenentwicklung im Expertendialog, Essen, Deutschland, 2016
- Thomas Hempen, Thomas Brandmeier, „Simulation-based Testing of ADAS“, SafetyAssist – Test & Simulation, Aschaffenburg, Deutschland, 2015
- Thomas Hempen, Theodor Tempelmeier, „The Test Concept for a Communication Link to an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle“, in Proceedings of the 7th GI Workshop Autonomous Systems 2014, Cala Millor, Spain, 2014
Working responsibilities:
Interconnection of laboratories:
- Car2X-Lab
- Hardware-in-the-Loop Lab
- Hexapod-Driving Simulator