Thiago Thielecke

Studienbotschafter Robotik
Write to our student ambassadors via the contact form. You can select several study programmes you are interested in at the same time.
Contact our student ambassadors
How did you find out about your degree programme?
- THI homepage
- Internet
- THI university information day
Why did you choose your degree programme?
- Versatility: wide range of subjects (electrical engineering, mechanics, computer science)
- Future-oriented degree programme: robotics is represented in many areas (automotive industry, medicine, logistics, etc.)
- Practical know-how: exciting projects and practical experience in the lab
What is your degree programme about?
In the foundation degree programme, you learn the basics of engineering mathematics, programming, electrical engineering and mechanics.
In the higher semesters, you will get to know the robotics labs and you can expect exciting internship tasks in the fields of control engineering, actuator technology and artificial intelligence, etc.
What technical strengths should you have for the degree programme?
- Solid knowledge of maths and physics
- Technical understanding
- Programming skills (an advantage but not essential)
What advice do you have for study orientation?
Look at lots of different degree programmes that interest you. Sit in on lectures, go to university information days, talk to students from higher semesters.
In the end, choose what you like!