Prof. Dr. em. Wolf-Dieter Tiedemann

Subject Area:
Computer Networks and Computer Architecture
Fakultät I
- since 2000 at the THI
- since 2009 Dean of the of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- R&D collaborations with various companies in the greater Ingolstadt area, e.g. Audi, MicroNova,
TSEP, Gigatronik, ESK, noris network,, Airbus, BMW
- 2013 Sabbatical semester at San José State University, CA, USA
- 2007/08 Sabbatical semester at Airbus D&S, Manching, Evaluation of Real-time Operating
Systems for application in Avionics Systems - 1997-2000: Project manager and senior programmer at the software development department of Wanko Corporate Logistics in Ainring with focus on fleet management software and optimization
- 1987-1997: Doctoral graduation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Passau
- Representative of the Formal Hardware Synthesis group in the European research project
FORMAT (ESPRIT 6128) – Formal Methods for Hardware Verification
- Coordinator of the European research project COPRODES (COPERNICUS 94-453) – Synthesis of
FPGA-based Communication Processors - 1984-1987: computer scientist at the corporate R&D department for Automation Engineering of Siemens Inc. in Erlangen with emphasis on AI applications and simulation of manufacturing and production processes
- 1978-1984: study of computer science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen