Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Huber

Head of CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD)
Subject Area:
Integral vehicle safety and its test methods
Fakultät E
- Test and validation of automated driving functions in reality and simulation
- Sensor, function and traffic simulation
- Mixed reality test environment, X-in-the Loop (HiL, MiL ViL, Sensor in the Loop)
- Head of CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD)
- Since 2016 at THI
- 07/2012 - 06/2016: Head of Perception and Automated Driving Research Group at BMW Group Forschung GmbH
- 12/2008 - 06/2012: Head of Overall Vehicle Architecture and Integration of Driver Assistance Systems; BMW Group
- 02/2008 - 11/2008: Research associate at the Technical University of Munich, Department of Traffic Engineering
- 2001: Doctorate at the Technical University of Munich; dissertation "Vehicle-generated data for obtaining traffic information".
- 05/1991 - 08/1996: Research Scientist TU Munich FG Traffic Engineering
- 1984 - 1991: Studies in Civil Engineering/Traffic Engineering at the Technical University of Munich
- Funk Drechsler, M.; Reway, F.; Sharma, V.; Schütz, C. and Huber, W.: Dynamic Vehicle-in-the-Loop (2022): A novel Method for Testing Automated Driving Functions. SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Rothmeier, T.; Huber, W. (2021): Let it snow. On the Synthesis of Adverse Weather Image Data. ITSC 2021
- Wachtel, D.; Schröder, S.; Reway, F.; Huber, W.; Vossiek, M. (2021): Validation Method of a Radar Sensor Model under non-ideal Conditions for Testing Automated Driving Systems, IV2021
- F. Denk, W. Huber, P. Brunner and R. Kates, „The role of perceptual failure and degrading processes in urban traffic accidents: a stochastic computational model for virtual experiments”, IEEE ITSC 2020
- F. Reway, A. Hoffmann, D. Wachtel, W. Huber, A. Knoll und E. Ribeiro, „Test Method for Measuring the Simulation-to-Reality Gap of Camera-based Object Detection Algorithms for Autonomous Driving,“ in 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV), 2020
Awards and memberships
- Rotary Research Award 2023 of the Rotary Club Ingolstadt
- ITS-Bavaria Board Member
- Road and Transport Research Association, AA 3.1 Telematics
- Expert Advisory Board of the ADAC Foundation