Prof. Dr. Martin Bader

Degree program director "Entrepreneurship and Digital Business" plus "Entrepreneurship and Corporate Venturing", Business Start-Up Mentor THI Business School
Subject Area:
Technology management and entrepreneurship
- Innovation and technology management
- Intellectual property management
- Business start-ups / entrepreneurship
- Strategic management
- Business model innovation
- Since 3/2016: Professor of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at THI
- Since 10/2016: Director of Center of Entrepreneurship at THI Business School
- 8/2007-2/2016: Head of Intellectual Property Management Competence Centre at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
- 4/2006: Dissertation: "Managing Intellectual Property in Inter-firm R&D Collaborations – The Case of the Service Industry Sector" (Prof. Dr. O. Gassmann, ITEM-HSG)
- Since 1/2006: Partner and co-founder, BGW AG, St.Gallen
- 10/2002-12/2005: Chairman Board of Directors and co-founder, Newvation B.V., The Netherlands
- 4/1999-9/2002: Chief Intellectual Property Counsel and Vice President, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich
- 2/1998-3/1999: Marketing Director Innovation and Patent Management, Siemens AG, Munich
- 9/1995-1/1998: Patent Counsel, Corporate Technology, Siemens AG, Erlangen
- 6/1995: Degree in Electronics (Dipl.-Ing.) at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, specialising in telecommunications engineering (tripartite programme: ESIEE Paris; University of Southampton, UK)