Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Ebert

Programme director "Autonomous Vehicle Engineering" (B. Eng.)

Room: B205
Subject Area: Technical Computer Science and Automated Driving
Faculty: Fakultät E


  • Development of new software-test methods for algorithms in the domain of automated driving


  • Since 2019 at THI
  • 2013 - 2019: P3 Systems GmbH, last position: Senior Manager Cluster ADAS
  • 2009 - 2012: Research associate, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Neuromodulation
  • 2012: PhD at university of Cologne, Topic: „Control of synchronization via electrical stimulation in a large-scale neuronal network model“
  • 2004 - 2009: Diploma in physics, minor: mathematics at university of Cologne


ULREICH, Fabian, André KAUP und Martin EBERT, 2024. Uncertainty Quantification for Adaptive Measurement Noise in Kalman Filter Based Object Tracking. In: 2024 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF). Piscataway: IEEE. ISBN 979-8-3315-2744-0. Available at:
ULREICH, Fabian, Elisabeth MOSER, Florian OLBRICH, Martin EBERT, Rudolf BIERL und André KAUP, 2023. Luminance Simulation in CARLA under Cloud Coverage - Model Validation and Implications. In: 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive (MetroAutomotive): Proceedings. Piscataway: IEEE, Page228-233. ISBN 979-8-3503-2187-6. Available at:
WEBER, Tobias, Emec ERCELIK, Martin EBERT und Alois KNOLL, 2019. Recognition & evaluation of additional traffic signs on the example of ’80 km/h when wet’. In: The 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference - ITSC. Piscataway: IEEE, Page4134-4139. ISBN 978-1-5386-7024-8. Available at:
EBERT, Martin, Christian HAUPTMANN und Peter Alexander TASS, 2014. Coordinated reset stimulation in a large-scale model of the STN-GPe circuit. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8, 154. ISSN 1662-5188. Available at:
SCHULZE, Ralf, László SZENTMIKLÓSI, Petra KUDEJOVA, Lea CANELLA, Zoltán KIS, Tamás BELGYA, Jan JOLIE, Martin EBERT, Thomas MATERNA, Katalin T. BIRÓ und Zsuzsa HAJNAL, 2013. The ANCIENT CHARM project at FRM II: three-dimensional elemental mapping by prompt gamma activation imaging and neutron tomography. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28(9), 1508-1512. ISSN 1364-5544. Available at:
HOFMANN, Lorenz, Martin EBERT, Peter Alexander HAUPTMANN und Christian HAUPTMANN, 2011. Modified pulse shapes for effective neural stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 4, 9. Available at: