Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Holzhammer

Director ForTraNN Sustainability Research and Transfer
Subject Area:
Energy Systems Technology
and transfer areas
- System analyses and sustainable development
- Regional impact of the energy transition
- Coupling of the electricity, heat and mobility sectors (e.g. heat pump, electromobility and power to cool)
- System efficiency: efficiency and flexibility in industry
- Role of electrical and thermal flexibility in the energy supply system
- Flexibilisation of electricity and heat generation using CHP technology, especially biogas, biomethane and other renewable gases as energy sources
- Marketing renewable electricity (spot market, balancing power markets, heat market and new markets for grid congestion management)
- Smart market: intelligent energy markets taking grid aspects into account
- Security of supply and resilience through holistic planning and operational approaches
Management of research and transfer projects at the THI
- Optisys - Optimal share and system contribution of bioenergy in coupled electricity and CHP systems in Germany, FKZ: 03KB129B
- BlueMilk - Cascaded and flexible use of thermal energy in dairy processing plants (focus: Power to Cool, flexible CHP use, CIP cleaning systems), FKZ: 281A103616
- SmartBio - Biogas plants as players in the smart market - raising additional revenue potential, FKZ: 22405116
- EnReg - Regionalising the Energy Turnaround, sub-project in the Sustainable Development Cluster in the Man on the Move (MIB) project, FKZ: 03IHS109A
- EnMob - Energiewende und Mobilität, sub-project in the Sustainable Development Cluster in the People on the Move (MIB) project, FKZ: 03IHS109A
- EOM Plus - Analysis of the short and medium-term effects of market-based congestion instruments as a regional and temporary supplement to the existing energy-only market design, FKZ: 03EI1012A
- Man on the Move (MIB): Scientific management of the THI Sustainable Development Cluster of the joint project of the Innovation Alliance THI and KU Eichstädt-Ingolstadt funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "Innovative University" funding initiative, FKZ: 03IHS109A
Research Assistants
- Tanja Mast, M.Sc., phone: 0841 – 9348-6498, InES,
- Benedikt Hümmer, M.Sc., phone: 0841-9348-6683. InES,
- Julia Pfeiffer, M.A., phone: 0841-9348-6525, ForTraNN,
- Robin Tutunaru, M.Sc., phone: 0841 – 9348-5016, InES,
- Martin Stöckl, M.Sc., phone: 0841 – 9348-6512, InES,
- Volker Selleneit, M.Eng., phone: 0841 – 9348-6511, InES,
- Manuel Schweizer, M.Sc., phone: 0841 – 9348-6011, InES,
- Anke Gäbisch, M.A., phone: 0841 – 9348-6420, ForTraNN,
- Dr. Petra Meilinger, (Clustermanagerin Nachhaltige Entwicklung), ForTraNN,
phone: 0841 – 9348- 6012, - Dr. Stefan Schweiger, (Forschungsmanager), ForTraNN, phone: 0841 - 9348-6526,
Please see Download (pdf) for publications list