Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uli Burger

Room: A230
Subject Area: Mechanical Design and Aircraft Structures


Composite structures, impact behaviour of aircraft structures, damage tolerance and fatigue of FRP


  • Since 2013: Professor at THI
  • 2014 – 2017: Head of Studies Aeronautics
  • 2011 – 2013: Airbus Helicopters: research projects airframe, substantiation methodology CFRP airframe H160
  • 2009 – 2011: MBDA Deutschland: development projects guided missiles systems
  • 2001 – 2005: Fachhochschule Ingolstadt: dual studies: mechanical engineering, apprenticeship precision mechanist; Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
  • 2005 – 2009: FH Ingolstadt/TU Berlin: PhD thesis: Impactverhalten von hybriden Verbundwerkstoffen mit metallischem Ringgeflecht; Dr.-Ing.



Mechanical Design, Engineering Mechanics, Composites, Aircraft Repair, Aircraft Design, Rotorcraft Technology


FRANKE, Florian, Uli BURGER und Christian HÜHNE, 2023. A novel reduced order model for drone impacts with aircraft structures. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 14(2), 381-412. ISSN 1869-5590. Available at:
FRANKE, Florian, Thomas SLOWIK, Uli BURGER und Christian HÜHNE, 2022. Numerical Investigation of Drone Strikes with Various Aircraft Targets. In: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. ISBN 978-1-62410-631-6. Available at:
FRANKE, Florian, Michael SCHWAB, Uli BURGER und Christian HÜHNE, 2021. An analytical model to determine the impact force of drone strikes. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 13(1), 69-84. ISSN 1869-5590. Available at:
FRANKE, Florian, Uli BURGER und Christian HÜHNE, 2021. Investigation of impacts between unmanned aerial vehicle motors and various targets. In: Aerospace Europe Conference 2021. Warschau: Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Available at:
FRANKE, Florian, Uli BURGER und Christian HÜHNE, 2021. Models and Methods for Drone Strike Load Predictions. In: ICAS 2020/21 Proceedings. Bonn: International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS). ISBN 978-3-932182-91-4. Available at:
WAGNER, Tim, Sebastian HEIMBS und Uli BURGER, 2019. A simplified and semi-analytical bolted joint model for crash and impact simulations of composite structures. Composite Structures, 2020(233), 111628. ISSN 0263-8223. Available at:
BURGER, Uli, Florian FRANKE, Michael SCHWAB, Alexander ENGLEDER und Ulrich EBERTH, 2019. Evaluation of collisions with small unmanned aerial vehicles and their consequences to rotorcraft. In: 75th Annual Vertical Flight Society Forum and Technology Display (FORUM 75): The Future of Vertical Flight, Volume 2 of 5. Red Hook: Curran Associates, Page1294-1304. ISBN 978-1-5108-8791-6. Available at:
POURTOULIDOU, Despoina, Fabian STEGER, Uli BURGER, Harald GÖLLINGER, Ludwig KÖNIG, Erwin OBERMEIER, Hans-Georg SCHWEIGER und Andreas FREY, 2019. Mission-framed Project-based Learning and Teaching: integrating an Electric Powertrain into a Motor Glider. In: NAGY, Balázs Vince, Mike MURPHY, Hannu-Matti JÄRVINEN und Anikó KÁLMÁN, Editors Varietas delectat… Complexity is the new normality: SEFI 47th Annual Conference Proceedings. Brüssel: SEFI, Page879-888. ISBN 978-2-87352-018-2. Available at:
WAGNER, Tim, Sebastian HEIMBS, Florian FRANKE, Uli BURGER und Peter MIDDENDORF, 2018. Experimental and numerical assessment of aerospace grade composites based on high-velocity impact experiments. Composite Structures, 2018(204), 142-152. ISSN 0263-8223. Available at:
FRANKE, Florian, Michael SCHWAB, Alexander ENGLEDER und Uli BURGER, 2018. Impact scenarios for collisions with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and their consequences to rotorcraft. In: 44th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings.
ROCHAT, Ludovic und Uli BURGER, 2015. Aspects of damage tolerance and fatigue of CFRP structural components. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, 8(2), 292-302. ISSN 1946-3855. Available at: