Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Jörg Kessler

Subject Area:
Conceptual Ligthweight Construction, Mechanical Design, CAE
- Ballistic impact protection systems for civil and military purpose as well as aircraft industry
- Lightweight car body structures including metallic and fiber composite materials and hybrid structures
- Natural stone laminate composite materials and sandwich structures
- Cellular and metal foam materials
- Design of package optimized automotive hydrogen pressure tank structures using cost efficient innovative fiber materials
- Fatigue life prediction and semi-passive structural load monitoring for metal and fiber resin materials
- Investigation of application areas of innovative materials and bionic principles in an automotive context
- Acoustic analysis of composite materials
- Usage and storage of hydrogen for automotive purpose using internal
combustion engines
Place of birth: April 11th, 1963 in Walsrode / Lower Saxony, Germany
Marital Status: Married, two children
- Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the TH Ingolstadt
Adjunct Professor at the RMIT University, Melbourne - Chair and Professorship for Lightweight Design and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
- Project-Leadership High Tech Offensive Bayern Leichtbau
- Project-Leadership of the EU 6th Framework Program Project StorHy
- President of the Institute of Protection Systems Prochain at the TH Ingolstadt
- President of the Institute of Technology & Artistic Design Ingolstadt GmbH
- Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Chair & Professorship for Lightweight Design and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) at University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt
- Project-Leadership „High Tech Offensive“ Bavaria Project 2001 – 2005, „New Lightweight design concepts for modern car generations“, Partners: Audi AG, BMW AG, EDAG, WIWEB, ThyssenKrupp
- President of the Institute for Protection Systems Prochain e.V at the University of Appied Sciences Ingolstadt, involved in several debris protection projects for industry, Winner of Bavarian Innovation Award 2002: Cellular Materials
- President of the INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY & ARTISTIC DESIGN e.V. and GmbH involved in several automotive industry projects and developments, Presentation of aluminum foam technologies on IAA 2003 and 2005 and 2009 in Frankfurt (Main)
- Leader and Inventor of the HYRACER Technology Team and Group, Development of the smallest model car in with internal combustion engine, Guinness Book of Records and Hydrogen Award Winner in Hannover Fair 2006
- Project Leadership in EU 6th Framework Integrated project 2004 – 2007, Storage of Hydrogen for automotive usage – StorHy, Subgroup Cryogenic, Partners: BMW AG, MAGNA STEYR, CONTRAVES, LINDE, AIRLIQUIDE, AA, MT
- Head of the section Strength Powerplant System in aero-engine business at ROLLS-ROYCE DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, Dahlewitz (Berlin), Team Leader of Dressed Engine Group
- Chief of the Core-Competence-Centre Composites in the ROLLS-ROYCE GROUP, Project Leadership EU 5th Framework Program on Fibre reinforced ceramics – CMC Lifing, together with EU Joint Research Centre
- About 100 peer-reviewed papers & publications in professional journals concerning lightweight design since 1991
- Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2008: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: Meeting the Challenges to Sustainable Mobility: published by RMIT School of Aerospace, ISBN 9781921426155
- Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2010: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference: released at Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3642107962
- Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2011: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: released at Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3642190520
- Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: released at Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-364224144-4
- Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: released at Springer Verlag; ISBN 978-3-319-01883-6
- Hydrogen Storage Technologies: New Materials, Transport and Infrastructure: to be released in 2012 at John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-3527326839
- Praxis Leichtbau-Konstruktion: Moderne Tragwerksauslegung nach bionischem Vorbild: to be released in 2012 at Vieweg & Teubner, ISBN 978-3834804754