Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner

Degree programme director "Automotive & Mobility Management" plus "Mobility Management and Mobility Technologies"

Room: K301
Subject Area: Intermodal mobility and AI


  • Since 2024: Course Director Automotive & Mobility Management (THI)
  • Since 10/2014: Professor for Automotive & Mobility Management (THI)
  • Since 10/2017: Co-Founder of FMS Future Mobility Solutions GmbH
  • 04/2010 to 12/2013: Managing Partner of PSW automotive engineering GmbH; engineering services provider to the automotive industry with approx. 700 employees
  • 07/2007 to 03/2010: Member of the management team at AUDI AG; responsible for process and system integration for customer order processes
  • 10/2004 to 06/2007: Senior Manager at Ricardo Strategic Consulting GmbH; two years as expatriote in the USA responsible for establishing off-highway business
  • 02/2001 to 09/2004: Consultant at A.T. Kearney GmbH; member of the Automotive Affinity Group
  • 11/2006: Doctorate at the University of Stuttgart (Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Erich Zahn)
  • 01/2001: Degree in industrial engineering & management (Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.) at TU Darmstadt