Prof. Dr. Christian Locher

Dean of Accreditation Affairs, Degree program director Digital Business, AACSB Project Director

Room: F224
Subject Area: Digital Business
Faculty: Business School


Organization: What are the organizational principles of digital businesses?

  • Management of digital innovations
  • Agile organization and lean startup
  • Startup-cooperation and Intrapreneurship

Technologies: What is the influence of new technologies on businesses?

  • New technologies, e.g. mobile technologies, chatbots, blockchain, as basis for new business models

Digital transformation: How can we transform traditional businesses to a digital business?

  • Servitization and product-service-systems
  • Digital platform business models


  • THI Business School since winter term 2017/18
  • Allianz Worldwide Partners S.A.S. (2014-2017)
    Innovation Executive
  • Allianz Technology SE (2013)
    Senior Project Manager
  • Allianz Deutschland AG (2009-2012)
    Project Manager Operations
  • Dresdner Bank AG (2007-2009)
    Expert Process Monitoring & Steering in Banking Services
  • Institut für Bankinnovation & University of Regensburg (2001-2006)
    Consultant, Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) and research assistant in the field of Consumer Banking & IT
  • University of Regensburg (1996-2001)
    Degree in Management of Information Systems (Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker)