Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker

Vice Dean Marketing & Alumni, Degree program director Marketing/Sales/Media
Subject Area:
Consumer goods marketing and new media
- Development of concepts for an open and transparent search infrastructure in cooperation with the Open Search Foundation
- Development of social CRM
- Success factors of disruptive business models
- Regular practical projects relating to marketing studies with a particular focus on CRM, digital marketing and social media
- Since 2018: CMO of the non-profit Open Search Foundation
- Since October 2012: Professor at THI, Course Director of the master's degree programme in Marketing / Sales / Media.
- 2009-2012: Head of Consumer Relations, Nestle Deutschland AG, Frankfurt.
- 2004-2009: Director CRM Strategy and Program Management, Premiere Fernsehen GmbH (now Sky Deutschland), Unterföhring.
- 2000-2004: Senior Consultant and Head of Knowledge Management, Vectia consultancy (formerly CRM Group), Munich.
- 1999: Doctorate at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in the field of dealer satisfaction in the automotive sector.
- 1996-2000: Research assistant at the Chair of Services Management (up to the end of 1996: Chair of Marketing) at WFI – Ingolstadt School of Management, Catholic University of Eichstätt.
- 1996-2000: Establishment of a small, independent management consultancy in the field of customer loyalty, satisfaction management, complaints management, CRM (simultaneously to being employed at WFI).
- 1994-1995: Project manager at the automotive research centre Forschungsstelle Automobilwirtschaft, Bamberg.
- 1987-1994: Degree in business management at the University of Bayreuth.