Mathis Burger

Study Ambassador Business Information Systems
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How I found out about it:
I found out about the THI through the website. I looked at the module handbook for the study course and assessed whether the topics appealed to me personally.
This is why I decided on the study course:
Business Information Systems was available as a dual study course at AUDI AG. The combination of business and computer science (and the interdisciplinary modules) appealed to me. Many
exciting topics are covered, which often have a greater practical relevance than other computer science courses, which I personally found very appealing.
My tip for prospective students:
It makes sense to read the module descriptions beforehand and consider whether you find the various topics interesting.
What I like best about the THI:
- smaller learning groups
- strong practical relevance
- Professors are happy to share their practical experience (and establish connections)
You should have these subject-specific strengths for the academic study program:
An interest in the topics, but special subject-specific strengths are not absolutely necessary. You are taken under the wing from the very beginning.
My best experience/project in my studies:
I don't have a single best experience. In general, however, the time you spend with others during your studies is worth its weight in gold.