Marcel Nhan

Study Ambassador Computational Life Sciences
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Contact our student ambassadors
Study profile
Why did you choose this degree programme?
The health sector is one of the fastest growing industries. The degree programme forms the interface between the natural sciences/medical subjects and computer science, which means that you are broadly positioned in terms of subject matter and can accordingly embark on many different career paths.
Whether you want to work in the health sector later on, you can choose from a wide range of subjects.
Whether you want to work later in a medical group, as a software developer in a start-up company or even take the step into self-employment: CLS forms the perfect foundation and represents the springboard for your career.
What are your tips for study orientation?
Analyze your personal strengths and interests!
Are there any subject areas in which I can flourish? Can I imagine working in this field? How can I make adequate use of my personal strengths?
I personally have a lot of experience in this field.
Personally, I informed myself in detail about all potential fields of study, wrote them down and gradually narrowed down my choice based on various factors (e.g. future prospects) until the best option was selected. Could this also help you?
What character traits or professional strengths should one have for the degree programme?
- Commitment
- Open-mindedness for new topics
- Analytical and solution-oriented thinking
Your personal insider tip for student life:
Stay on the ball from the beginning and plan enough study time. Find a balance between studies and free time (and possibly work) and take care of your physical and mental health. Otherwise: Enjoy the time!