Julia Faust

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Why did you choose this study course?
For me, the Life Science Management study course is the perfect mix of biology and business. During my time at school, I realised that I had a burning interest in the natural sciences, but that I found it very easy to understand and learn business content. When I found the study course here at THI, I knew it was just right for me.
What tips do you have for orientating yourself towards a degree course?
Firstly, think about your areas of interest. What do you particularly enjoy and what are you not really interested in?
As soon as you have answered these questions, you have already taken an important step in the right direction and can start looking for interesting study courses. The websites of the universities/universities often provide a lot of information about the various study courses. A little tip: you can also find dates for online information events for the individual study courses.
And in the end, it all comes down to your gut feeling: )
What is your academic study programme about?
- Biotechnology/ Biomedicine
- Health economics
- Quality Management
- Technology and innovation management
- Digitalisation in the healthcare sector
- Business Administration
- Strategic Management
In the first three semesters, you will acquire skills in the areas of management, economics & law and life sciences.
In the second section, i.e. the 4th to 7th semesters, you deepen your knowledge of management and Life Science Management and deal with digitalisation. You also gain your first valuable work experience during your internship.
What character traits or professional strengths should you have for this study course?
Definitely a thirst for knowledge in the field of life sciences, an understanding of economic processes (or willingness to acquire this) and the necessary discipline to deal with topics that are not 100% in your own area of interest. Due to the fact that this study course is very broadly diversified, you will automatically encounter topics that are not so interesting to you.
What jobs options can you take up after your academic studies?
After completing your academic studies, you have a very wide range of career prospects in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology industries. However, job profiles in many other areas of the healthcare industry are also conceivable.