Juana-Gabriela Sandt

Study ambassador for technical design
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This is how I found out about it:
I had a closer look at the Technical Design course on the THI website and then finally decided to go to the HIT (University Information Day), where I was able to take a closer look at the course again. The mixture of website and conversation with the student ambassador and professor gave me a very good insight into the course.
This is why I decided on the course:
As a child, I was very interested in art and technology. At school, I then chose the technical branch and tried my hand at art in my free time, including drawing comics. When looking for a course of study, I mainly looked in the direction of design, but in the end I didn't want to go in just that direction and then came across this course of study during my research, which mix of technology and design, forms a bridge between two respected professions and is an important position and combination in development.
My tip for academic study orientation:
I would first choose 1-2 directions in which to go, then I would look for information on the study courses on various websites. Talking to study ambassadors or graduates helps a lot to get an insight. I can highly recommend the university information days, because you can come into direct contact with the professors and students and immediately clarify questions and also ask follow-up questions.
Contents of my academic studies:
The technical and creative aspects are both included in our time-table/schedule every semester. You learn everything from technical mechanics, surface procurement to product development and product marketing that you need as a technical designer.
You should have these character traits for the study course:
You should be eager to learn, creative, social and open. Since we are all like one big family, you can count on support and should therefore also be open.
What I like best about the THI:
The design lab, of course ;) And also the layout of the Library.
You should have these subject-specific strengths for the study course:
You should know the basics of drawing, a lot is taught, but it is really good to know how to express yourself artistically. In any case, you should also be enthusiastic about technology, because you really can't neglect that aspect with us.
My favorite subject:
Of course, the projects, 3D modeling courses and construction methods.
My insider tip for student life:
Never forget your student ID card at home, you need it for the cafeteria, cafeteria, library and the Design Lab. The cafeteria saves your life as a student, so always keep your card topped up!