Jonas Gubo

Studienbotschafter Elektro- und Informationstechnik
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How did you find out about your degree programme?
I found information about the degree programme on the THI website. It was also particularly important for me to attend the university information day, as I was able to discuss the degree programme with students at eye level.
Why did you choose your degree programme?
I was already involved in electrical engineering during my apprenticeship, so I already knew that I enjoyed it and wanted to study something along these lines. The appeal of electrical engineering and information technology for me is that you are very broadly positioned after your studies and can specialise in many directions afterwards.
What does your degree programme cover?
The first part of the programme teaches a lot of the basics of electrical engineering. You learn tools that are needed to calculate circuits and describe systems, for example. In the second section, you go into more depth, always going back to the basics you learnt previously.
What do you like best about the THI?
Applying the theoretical content through numerous internships.
What insider tip do you have for student life?
Find a good balance between studying and leisure time