Alwin Grund

Study Ambassador Engineering and Business
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This is why I decided to take this study course:
The combination of natural science, technology, business and economics and the resulting interdisciplinary approach has always impressed and interested me.
My tip for choosing a course of study:
Find out more on the websites of the universities and colleges, visit open days and other events, talk to the Student Counselling Service and above all – don't always believe everything you
read in forums. The pictures described there are often much more dramatic and negative than reality! Stay positive, get a taste of everything and stay positive :)
The content of my academic studies:
In the basic studies, more technology and mathematics, coupled with the basics of business administration; later, it's more about the interdisciplinary subjects, in which knowledge from
“both worlds” is combined and deepened.
You should have these character traits for the study course:
- openness to new things
- discipline and stamina
- the ability to look at things from different perspectives
What I like best about the THI:
the small study groups and the family atmosphere in the lectures and, of course, our own restaurant/café on campus;)
The strengths you should have for this course of studies:
an affinity for technology, good mathematical skills and, in general, a quick mind
The best experience/project in my academic studies:
The extremely warm and familiar reception of our programme director Prof. Dr. Meyer in his laboratory on the first day of the unit after the lectures.
My favourite subject:
So far, project and quality management (2nd semester), but that will surely change :)
My insider tip for student life:
Don't just form study groups, but also friend groups with whom you can check out the bars in Ingolstadt on weekends ;)