Aaron Venter

Study Ambassador Biomedical Engineering
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How I found out about this:
I found out about the study course through various university websites. I also had lectures from the Thi at my school, which drew my attention to the university.
Why I chose this study course:
This course offers a good combination of biology/medicine and technology (electrical engineering and mathematics). This made this course a very good choice for me. I was only sure that I wanted to do something in the field of biology, but I also wanted to acquire technical knowledge.
The content of my academic studies:
At the beginning, electrical engineering and mathematics are the main topics. There are also modules that teach you the basics of biology and programming. In the following semesters, care is taken to ensure that the topic of biology/medicine is not neglected and that there is a module in that direction. The modules are coordinated with each other so that there is a coherent learning experience.
Related courses of study:
Computational Life Sciences; Biomechanics
You should have these subject-specific strengths for the study course:
Basic knowledge in mathematics, biology and a little understanding of programming also helps a lot.
The best experience/project in my academic studies:
Passing the electrical engineering exams.
My favorite subject:
Anatomy and physiology.
These are the careers you can pursue after graduating:
Research, programmer for medical devices, expert in medical technology.