Impulses for the Future: Lectures on Sustainability and Innovation

THI continues its successful lecture series ‘Energy - Environment - Sustainability’ this November and December. Experts from science and business will provide insights into current developments.

Hand, die Glaskugel hält, aus der ein Windrad ragt

Thinking globally: different approaches for a more sustainable energy supply (symbolic image: Pixabay).

The lecture series at the THI highlights key future topics such as the role of hydrogen in the energy transition and sustainable energy supply solutions for off-grid communities in Namibia. The events are aimed at students, pupils, environmental groups, politicians, and anyone interested in helping to shape the transition to a sustainable energy supply.

To kick things off on 6 November 2024, Matthias Löhlein, Head of Corporate Development, Digitalisation & Sustainability at Bayernwerk AG, will discuss the opportunities and challenges of the energy transition and innovative approaches for a climate-friendly power supply. On 20 November 2024, the team of the German-Namibian project ‘PROCEED’ will give a presentation on ‘Sustainable Renewable Off-Grid Electricity for Namibian Communities’. Bertha Lwakatare, Dr Kedar Mehta, and Professor Wilfried Zörner will present how mini-grids consisting of photovoltaics, battery storage, and diesel generators are strengthening the energy supply in Namibia's rural regions. The aim is to improve the local quality of life through the sustainable operation of these systems and at the same time support Namibia's energy goals.

The 45-minute presentations will take place on Wednesdays at 18:30 on the THI campus (room G215) and online via Zoom. Admission is free, registration is not required, and login details for online participation are available at Ringvorlesung Energie – Umwelt – Nachhaltigkeit.

After each lecture, guests are invited to take part in a discussion in order to enter into a direct dialogue with the speakers. The series is organized by Professor Sabine Bschorer, Head of the Bachelor's program ‘Energy Systems and Renewable Energies’ at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at THI.

Further details on the event and the topics can be found at: Erneuerbare Energien studieren heißt Klimaschutz aktiv angehen