The degree programme Aeronautical Engineering stands out through its alignment with the latest developments and research trends in the field of aviation and its strong connection with business and research areas. The main focus lies on the development, construction, technical equipment and operation of civil and military aircrafts.
Aeronautical Engineering (B. Eng.)
Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
7 Semester
The degree programme Aeronatical Engineering is divided into a two-semester introductory and orientation module completed by an orientation exam and a five-semester module of advanced study. Students have to choose a major field of study during the second module (3rd - 7th semester). The practical semester (5th semester) is a further important component of the program.
During their Aeronautics stury course, students will choose between three major fields. The study field “Maintenance” includes disciplines like Maintenance, Certification and Repair, whereas disciplines like Turbo Machines, Engine Maintenace and Certification are components of “Propulsion and Engine Installation”. Additionally the study field "Aircraft Design" includes structures, materials and design for fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts.
1. Semester
Engineering Mathematics 1
Computer Science and Digitalisation
Material Science 1
Principles of Mechanical Design
Static Equilibrium Science
Engineering Thermodynamics
2. Semester
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Material Science
Theory of Material Strength
Principles of Electrical Engineering
Production Technology
3. Semester
Machine Elements
Strategic Product Planning and CAD
Dynamics of Motion
Fluid Mechanics
Applied Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer and Flow Machines
Aviation Technology
4. Semester
Project: Technical Design and Product Development
Flight Mechanics and Control
Thermal Turbomachines
Vibration Technology
Measurement and Control Systems
5. Semester
Internship Seminar
Project and Quality Management
6. Semester
Numerical Simulation Methods
Advanced Aviation Technology
Maintenance & Certification
7. Semester
Lightweight Design
Specialisation module: Compulsary Elective 1
Specialisation module: Compulsary Elective 2
Seminar Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis
Quick Info
- Application for study place
The program can only be started in the winter semester.
Since the program is not subject to admission restrictions, the application is made exclusively via the PRIMUSS application portal THI.
- Application dates
Information on the application period, which starts on May 2, and on the application procedure can be found on the page Application for a Bachelor's Study Place.
- Requirements
The prerequisite for admission to studies at Technische Hpochschule Ingolstadt is either the general or subject-specific university entrance qualification or the advanced technical college entrance qualification. Regulations regarding prior practical experience are laid down in the study and examination regulations of the respective degree programmes.
The dual studies programme enables a combination of practical training elements in a company with the theoretical education provided by the university. There is a choice of either the joint model (academic study + vocational training) or the degree course with vocational experience (academic study + intense practical phases). There is an obvious advantage to students here: practically oriented academic study generally enables a particularly smooth transition from university to the world of work. What is more, the student usually receives financial remuneration from the company concerned.
In the joint model, students may start working at the company several months before the start of the first semester, depending on the company concerned. At the start of the course there is an alternation between theory (during the semester) and practical experience (between semesters and during the practical semesters). In order to embark on a dual studies programme, students have to apply to both a company and to THI (be sure to take note of company application deadlines!).
More info on our dual studies-pages, or check dual cooperation partner companies. Even if no partner company is currently active in this degree programme, you are welcome to contact us.
There are various career opportunities for aviation engineers starting from development, design and modelling, test and validation techniques, test engineering, aircraft certification, maintenance and repair services, production and assembly up to avionics and propulsion systems. Graduates will enjoy many job and career opportunities in and around Ingolstadt, but also on the national and international markets. This is due to the yearly increasing demand for aviation engineers like in the case of the A350 by Airbus or X4 by Airbus Helicopters.
Besides being one of the most rapidly developing business regions in Europe, Ingolstadt region is not only the home of famous automotive and electronics manufacturers, but also a location for several aviation industry companies like Airbus Group (Manching and Donauwörth), MBDA (Schrobenhausen) and many regional medium-sized companies. The career opportunities range from working as a project manager or a design engineer up to taking full responsibility for airplane programs.
The study programme requires a preparatory internship of at least 12 weeks, which has to be completed before the start of the 4th semester (during semester breaks). The preparatory internship is not part of our admission requirements.
General information on scholarship:
Financing your study programme might be a big challenge for you. On our homepage you find different opportunities of financing your academic studies at our university. Link:
Please note that financial aid programmes are mostly not open to foreign students. For scholarships for students from abroad you may have a look here:
Public funding (BAföG) is only available to Germans and to EU citizens if they have spent a considerable part of their education in Germany. The university awards a scholarship called Deutschlandstipendium once a year which cannot fully cover living expenses. Additionally we have limited funds and support some international students for a maximum of one semester. Please do not actively approach the International Office on scholarships, once a year a call for application automatically reaches all international students.
Third party scholarship:
- If you are an applicant from abroad, you may qualify for a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD):
- If you are a German students we recommend to research for suitable scholarships on
- Please note that we cannot offer any guidance or support concerning scholarship applications.
We recommend that single students budget at least 700-900 EUR per month to meet personal expenses (accommodation, health insurance, stay, books, semester contribution)
German, at least with Level B2
As part of the 8-week pre-study work placement, the applicant should be given concrete ideas and practical knowledge of the desired engineering activity.
If the applicant already has practical training through
- completed vocational training, e.g. apprenticeship in mechanical engineering
- a degree from a technical secondary school (FOS) specialising in engineering
- a degree from a vocational secondary school (BOS) specialising in technology
- an intended dual study programme (combined or study programme with in-depth practical experience)
no further pre-study work experience is required on presentation of the relevant evidence.
It is advisable to complete the pre-study work experience before starting the degree programme. At the latest at the beginning of the fourth semester of study, proof must be provided that the work has been completed in full, including a list of the work carried out. The pre-study work placement should be completed full-time and consecutively during the lecture-free period.
You must apply independently to a company of your choice for the pre-study work placement. A list of possible companies for a pre-study placement in the region and in the state of Bavaria is available from the programme director The pre-study placement should, but does not necessarily have to be completed in a company in the aviation industry Detailed information can be found in the section Specialist practical training/pre-study placement.
The Aeronautical Engineering degree programme specialises in aircraft and drones and offers a Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering (B. Eng.). An individual specialisation of their studies in the direction of aerospace engineering is given via the elective modules "Aerospace Engineering" and/or "Rocket Engineering". However, a separate degree as Aerospace Engineering (B. Eng.) is not possible at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt.
The following aerospace companies are located in the Ingolstadt region:
- Airbus Defence and Space in Manching and Airbus Eurocopter in Donauwörth.
- Bundeswehr Technical Service, WTD61 in Manching
- MBDA Germany in Schrobenhausen
The following aerospace companies are located in the Bavarian region:
- MTU Aero Engines in Munich, Karlsfeld
- Voith Composites in Munich, Garching
- Leistritz in Nuremberg
In addition, there are a large number of supplier companies and aerial drone manufacturers in the region as well as in Bavaria.
The following compilation by bavAIRia e.V. provides an overview.
In the first and second semester, the curriculum provides for the modules Engineering Mathematics 1 and 2. In every academic study course in Engineering Sciences, no matter at which university and in which study course, these two modules are the first major challenge. If you need to catch up, it is advisable to attend a mathematics bridge course offered by the university before the Start of studies.
Programme director and Academic advisor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Soika
Phone: +49 841 9348-4700
Room: A228
More contact options

Module Handbook
The module handbook contains information on prerequisites, contents, learning outcomes, ECTS points, duration, work load, literature, references of the offered modules and lectures
Module Handbook Bachelor LT SoSe 2025 (pdf)
Subject-specific elective modules SoSe 2025 (pdf)
Praktisches Studiensemester (pdf)
Important information on internships and a practical seminar
Study and Examination Regulations
Study and examination regulations (SPO) (German only) deal with judicial matters concerning your study course. For more information please turn to the pages of the legal department.