SELFY – Creating self-assessment, protection and healing tools for a resilient CCAM ecosystem
The SELFY project is developing a toolbox consisting of collaborative solutions with the aim of improving the resilience of Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility. The project will research and develop algorithms and technologies to create a set of tools to improve CCAM resilience and ensure data security and privacy when sharing different data.
The main objective of SELFY is to promote the secure operation of CCAM vehicles, mobility systems and services, thus increasing the trust and acceptance of CCAM solutions among end-users.
The focus of our research group is to develop a Vehicle Security Operations Centre (VSOC) that actively detects and responds to malicious and unusual behaviour in SELFY's CCAM ecosystem.
Furthermore, we are the project lead for testing and verification of the different tools that are developed in the SELFY project.
Official project website: