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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News from the Faculty

University Information Days (HIT) in Neuburg

Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences opened its doors once again: last Friday, interested parties were able to find out about the range of… more

How can the Neuburg campus become even more sustainable?

Lisa Lohse, research assistant at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, used a drone flight to carry out a thermal emissions analysis… more
The new campus is to be spacious and liveable (graphic: gmp Architekten).

Plans for the Neuburg Sustainability Campus

THI President Professor Walter Schober, the Head of the Ingolstadt State Building Construction Office Thomas Sendtner and Neuburg's Lord Mayor Dr… more
The Sustainability Campus team in conversation with Members of the Bundestag Bernhard Daldrup (2nd from right) and Andreas Mehltretter (2nd from left) (Photo: THI).

Visit from Berlin: MPs learn about sustainability research at the Neuburg campus

Dean Professor Jana Bochert presented the campus to the members of the Bundestag Andreas Mehltretter and Bernhard Daldrup. Professor Uwe Holzhammer,… more
Focus on the future: The series was dedicated to sustainability in the construction industry (symbolic image: Pixabay).

Final lecture of the series "Sustainability in construction"

On Tuesday, January 16th, Dr Stefan Fandel, Head of Site Development at FLUXUM Gernsheim, will present the development of the GreenTech Park there. more
The participants discussed sustainable alternatives (Photo: THI).

Pre-Christmas "reuse bar" on the Neuburg campus

The event took place over mulled wine and popcorn as part of the "Circular Future" series. The focus was on saving resources in everyday life. more

Experience sustainability: From herb walk to Dokusion

THI students Vivienne Kleinschmidt, Nadja Noras and Larissa Wagenknecht are organizing the "Circular Future" series of events. In various formats,… more