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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News from the Faculty

Fatal swimming accident involving two THI students at the Neuburg campus - the university family is shocked and mourning

The news of the fatal swimming accident involving the two young men from Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka has left THI members shocked and stunned. Their… more

Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with… more

Barbecue, exchange, science: Summer party of the THI Sponsors' Association

In sunshine and pleasant temperatures, the Friends of THI once again brought together celebrations and research at the Sustainability Campus Neuburg.… more

Mire plants as a building material in the future?

Students on the ‘Sustainable Building Materials’ and ‘Sustainable Building Materials’ courses at the THI's Neuburg campus went on an excursion to a… more

Practical projects on sustainability and environmental management in the Neuburg region

The practical project course takes place in the 6th semester of the Sustainability and Environmental Management degree program. The aim of the course… more

Involvement in development work

How does it work when a private company is involved in development cooperation? more

An important step towards a sustainable future

15 trainees from regional companies have completed the KUS Sustainability Scouts program. With their expertise, they contribute to anchoring all… more