The environment and sustainability are important to you. You want to make your contribution to this - and learn with your studies how you can implement this in your future profession. You want to know how ambitious climate goals and social responsibility can be realised - and how this works in business and society. You know that sustainable development has to be managed. This requires know-how, business management skills play an important role - and of course it's also about technology. With the Bachelor's degree in Sustainability and Environmental Management, held in German, you will shape a future worth living. You take on responsibility in companies, in the financial or consulting sector, in public institutions or international organisations, or you promote your own sustainable business idea. The degree programme in Neuburg offers you all of this on a smart campus that is growing before your eyes according to climate-friendly and energetic aspects. Be part of it!
Sustainability and Environmental Management (B. Sc.)
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
7 Semester
Ongoing procedure
With the Sustainability and Environmental Management degree programme, you will learn how companies develop and implement strategies so that areas such as purchasing and procurement, production, marketing, sales or personnel comprehensively integrate sustainability criteria and environmental justice. And more than that - you will find answers to many questions in your studies: What must business management look like in holistic management? How do environmental technologies work? What is a life cycle assessment? What does digitalisation bring to sustainable management? What environmentally friendly products and services can be designed? What new business areas can be developed with sustainability and the environment? What about manufacturing processes and supply chains? And what about sustainability and the environment in development policy and global economics? Become a pioneer with your studies in an innovative programme that is unique in Bavaria. Come to Neuburg to study "Sustainability and Environmental Management" - and shape the future.
Please note that the language of instruction is German! You will have to prove at least Level B2 for application.
Sustainability - new ways: new paths for the economy
Please switch to automatic translation on Youtube
Practice and Projects: Make an impact while you study!
At our university, studies aren't confined to theory in lecture halls. During your studies, you'll have the opportunity to develop concrete strategies and measures in the field of sustainability and environmental management for external clients, making a real impact. For example, in the "Project Study Practice" module in the 6th semester, you will work on practical, relevant issues in teams with fellow students. Topics may include expanding a company's brand strategy to include sustainability aspects for local businesses, developing a proposal for a sustainable organization at THI, or implementing circular economy practices at the Neuburg an der Donau campus. At the end of the semester, you will present your results to the clients. This seminar helps you apply your technical and methodological knowledge to practical, real-world problems in a target-oriented manner.
1. Semester
Grundlagen NAUM
Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen & Entrepreneurship
Mathematik und Statistik
Umwelt- und Zukunftstechnologien
Grundlagen der Mikro- und Makroökonomie
2. Semester
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Grundlagen des Rechts
Buchführung & Bilanzierung
Umwelt- und Entwicklungsökonomie
Nachhaltigkeits-Marketing & Kommunikation
Energiewirtschaft und Energiewende
3. Semester
Sustainable Investments & Financing
Nachhaltiges Kostenmanagement und Controlling
IT-Management und ERP-Systeme
Nachhaltiges Personalmanagement
4. Semester
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Nachhaltigkeitsmonitoring und Ökobilanzen
Strategisches Management
Steuern in internationalen Ökosystemen
Smart Technologies & Smart Grid
Innovationsmanagement & Entrepreneurship
5. Semester
Praxissemester 20 Wochen im Nachhaltigkeits-/Umweltbereich
6. Semester
Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung und Fertigungstechnologien
Circular Economy
Projektstudium Praxis
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Social Skills
Vertiefungsfach 1
7. Semester
Vertiefungsmodul 2
Vertiefungsmodul 3
Vertiefungsmodul 4
Our Sustainable World - Seminar
Quick Info
The programme starts in the winter as well as the summer semester
Registration for the programme is possible from May 2 and Nov. 15., via online application. This Bachelor's programme is offered at the THI without admission restrictions/NC, so registration with DOSV/hochschulstart is not necessary. Documents can be uploaded directly in the Primuss applicant portal of the THI. The teaching language is German.
All Infos on Bachelor application.
Future fields of activity/industries:
- Manufacturing industry, from medium-sized companies to international corporations, in which sustainability and environmental competences are in demand across all disciplines, from purchasing to sales and disposal.
- Environmental technology companies
- Management consultancies, project management companies and financial service providers with a connection to the environment and sustainability
- Public institutions and international sustainability and environmental organisations
- Start-ups with a focus on the environment and sustainability
Graduates of the programme are prepared for specialist and management functions in the following areas:
- for interdisciplinary functions with a focus on economic/technical/organisational as well as management structures
- for specialist and management tasks in the field of sustainability and environmental management
- for interface tasks in classic functions (e.g. purchasing, controlling, logistics, production, etc.), where environmental and sustainability aspects are gaining increasing importance
The dual studies programme enables a combination of practical training elements in a company with the theoretical education provided by the university. There is a choice of either the joint model (academic study + vocational training) or the degree course with vocational experience (academic study + intense practical phases). There is an obvious advantage to students here: practically oriented academic study generally enables a particularly smooth transition from university to the world of work. What is more, the student usually receives financial remuneration from the company concerned.
In the joint model, students may start working at the company several months before the start of the first semester, depending on the company concerned. At the start of the course there is an alternation between theory (during the semester) and practical experience (between semesters and during the practical semesters). In order to embark on a dual studies programme, students have to apply to both a company and to THI (be sure to take note of company application deadlines!).
More info on our dual studies-pages, or check dual cooperation partner companies. Even if no partner company is currently active in this degree programme, you are welcome to contact us.
- On our Marketplace you will find advertisements for student housing in Ingolstadt and Neuburg, subject to availability.
- A larger complex with a supermarket and approx. 45 apartments is currently being built in the immediate vicinity of the campus, expected to be rented from June 2021, please inform yourself e.g. at
- Studienseminar Neuburg,, a total of 43 rooms/apartments. Please apply using the form in the download area ( Contact Bettina Fürnrohr from the property management
When studying at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, international experience can be gained through a stay abroad at a partner university or through an internship abroad.
To prepare for your semester abroad or to learn another foreign language alongside your studies, you can take language courses at THI's own Language Centre. The courses are taught almost exclusively by native speakers; the language courses are offered at different levels. All courses are free of charge for our students.
This course is tuaght in German. The level required for appliaction is at least B2.
Academic director

Prof. Dr. Holger Hoppe
Phone: +49 841 9348-2391
Room: CN101
Module Handbook
A module handbook describes the modules belonging to a degree programme. It contains information on admission requirements, learning content and objectives, ECTS points, duration, workload, literature, types of examinations, lecturers and module leaders of the modules and courses of the respective degree programme.
Module handbook summer term 2025 (pdf)
(available in German language only)
Modul handbook elective courses summer term 2025 (pdf)
(available in German language only)
Study and Examination Regulations
Study and examination regulations (SPO) deal with judicial matters concerning your study course. Please turn to the pages of the legal department for Statutes of this course.
For any questions on requirements, exams regulations and more, please turn to the Service Center Study Affairs.