Designers organize Pecha Kucha Night

Unusual perspectives, creative designs, and cool drinks: that's what was on offer at the 4th Pecha Kucha Night organized by the students of the Technical Design course. The students presented their current semester project work in short presentations.

Gruppenbild der Teilnehmenden der Pecha Kucha Night am Cmapus in Ingolstadt

The designers organized their Pecha Kucha Night next to the campus meadow (Photo: Maximilian Schütze).

Studentin hält Präsentation zum Thema Technisches Design an der Pecha Kucha night am Campus in Ingolstadt

20 slides in less than seven minutes: Pecha Kucha is used to convey content pointedly and concisely (Photo: Maximilian Schütze).

Portrait eines Studenten am Grill bei der Pecha Kucha Night

There were burgers and drinks to satisfy hunger after the presentations (Photo: Maximilian Schütze).

How do you give a disused coffee machine a casing in the style of an Italian fashion brand? And how can a controller be realized in a guitar design? In short presentations, students from the Technical Design degree programme presented their concepts in the Pecha Kucha format: This is a form of presentation that originated in Japan and is characterized by its strict structure. ‘Pecha Kucha’ means something like ‘chatting’ or ‘chatter’.

Pecha Kucha is often used in creative industries to present ideas efficiently and entertainingly. The strict time limit helps to condense content and focus on the essentials, resulting in clear and memorable presentations. This method is often used at events and networking meetings to show a series of short presentations in a short period, creating a dynamic and energizing atmosphere. It is therefore essential that students practice it.

The event impressively demonstrated that Pecha Kucha works excellently and also has a high entertainment value. After the presentations, ideas were further developed over burgers and drinks, and concepts were discussed well into the evening. The event, which was very well attended by professors and students, also demonstrated what the Technical Design degree program is all about creativity, experimentation, empathy, and flexibility of thought.