The Sound of Data - How Açelya Karagül Combines Her Passion for Music and Data Science

Açelya Karagül is 19 years old and has studied the Bachelor's degree program ‘Data Science in Technology and Business’ at THI since October 2024. At first glance, music and data science seem to have little in common - but for Açelya, the two worlds are more closely connected than you might think. After graduating from a music grammar school in 2023, where she studied music intensively, she initially thought about learning to become a music teacher. But then she discovered her enthusiasm for technology and data.

Dream degree program found: Açelya Karagül likes the applied nature of data science (Photo: private).

‘Data and notes somehow have similar structures,’ explains Karagül. Her aha moment came when she was given an insight into the world of technology at Girlsʼ Day at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen. She quickly decided to study STEM subjects and, thanks to the support of her parents, who gave her complete freedom in her choice of a degree program, she moved from Erlangen to Ingolstadt to study at the THI.

But studying isn't everything: Açelya is also doing a dual program at Siemens Healthineers, where she is gaining valuable practical experience. In her first practical phase, she is working in the ‘Global IT’ department. ‘The practical relevance is exactly what I often missed at school,’ says Karagül. She is particularly enthusiastic about the close supervision by the professors and the strong application focus of the degree program.

Although she had little to do with computer science at school, she discovered her passion for data science during her studies. ‘It's just fun to work with data and recognize patterns,’ she explains. And she hasn't lost her musical interests either: she still plays the violin and piano and dances hip-hop. For Açelya, combining her creative side with the world of technology is no contradiction.

She is particularly pleased that there are more women in the ‘Data Science in Technology and Business’ degree program than she had expected. ‘This motivates me to continue on my path in this exciting industry,’ says Karagül. In the next few years, she would like to deepen her knowledge further - perhaps with a Master's degree. One thing is clear to her: data science is the sound of the future, combining technology and creativity.