Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Lecture "Entrepreneurship" in the Master programme WI (start-up specific theory, step-by-step development of a "real" business plan in a team, presentations in front of fictitious investors and customers, development of prototypes and pitch videos)
- Lecture "Product and Innovation Management" in the Bachelor programme WI (from WS 2021/22)
- Lecture "Innovation Management" in the MBA programme "Procurement Management"
- Business plan task during the first semester introduction week (Bachelor WI, Bachelor "Engineering and Management")
Industry / Projects:
- Support of the entrepreneurship initiatives of THI
- Collaboration in the Center of Entrepreneurship at THI, e.g. within the framework of the Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme
- Coaching of start-ups and spin-offs of THI
- Supervision of student research projects and theses in the field of entrepreneurship

Programme director and Academic advisor Engineering and Management (Master)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerd Schwandner
Phone: +49 841 9348-6030
Room: A207
E-Mail: Gerd.Schwandner@thi.de
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Gerd Schwandner
Phone: +49 841 9348-6030
Room: A207
E-Mail: Gerd.Schwandner@thi.de