GE Healthcare - a global medical technology company - visits the Life Science courses at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt . During the exciting guest…
It is no longer possible to imagine industrial production without robots. But what does the future of industrial robotics look like? The keyword for…
Our Bachelor's programme "Electrical Engineering and Electric Mobility" will be held with a new study structure from the winter semester 2022/23.…
A transfer of the THI Medical Technology course of Prof. Karg to the Medical History Museum Ingolstadt, set the starting point of a cooperation with…
Scientific investigations can start
In the Electromobility and Learning Systems (ELS) research group at the Institute of Innovative Mobility (IIMo),…
On 28 April 2022, 50 girls interested in technology were guests at THI. Exciting insights into various courses of study, laboratories and reports on…
The KIVI project (Artificial Intelligence in Ingolstadt's Traffic System) has successfully completed the trial phase on the CARISSMA outdoor site. The…