A team of five Bachelor students brought the challenge cup to Ingolstadt for the fourth time in the tournament's 20-year history. At the three-stage…
Eleven doctoral centers will be established at Bavarian universities of Applied Sciences (HaW) and Technical Universities (TH). The THI is the only…
Starting in the winter semester of 2023/2024, the THI will offer a master's degree program in patent engineering, the only one of its kind in Germany,…
In the scientific competition "EnRicH", emergency forces and universities jointly test how robots can intervene in a nuclear emergency. The THI's…
The TREND program supports "Traffic_Talk: 5G Application in V2X Sensor Networks." The consortium consists of the THI, the Czech Technical University…
The ferry connection between the northern German ports of Norddeich and Norderney is to be electrified and equipped with a new type of fast charging…