Prof. Dr. techn. Priv.-Doz. Andreas Riener

Programme director UXD (B.Sc., M. Sc.), Research professor CARISSMA (automated driving), Head of Human-Computer Interaction Group
Riener’s focus in the field of hypothesis-driven, experimental research in the field of “Human Factors and Ergonomics” (human-machine interfaces or driver-vehicle interaction). The areas of interest include:
- User experience in HCI with focus on automotive applications
- Interaction concepts for automated vehicles, trust/acceptance, and ethical issues in automated driving
- (Implicit) human-machine interaction (pervasive computing, HCI, wearable computing, user interface design, user studies)
- Multimodal sensor and actuator systems (gesture control, haptic feedback, etc.)
- Smart, non-invasive sensors (ECG, thermography, pressure-sensitive mats) for the detection of physiological conditions
- “Human state detection” (detection, processing, interpretation of emotional states, stress, cognitive overload, etc.) and its connection to sensor/actuator systems
- Systems-of-systems/cyber-physical systems (Example automotive: networking of automobiles or assistance systems to create emergent behavior, collective systems, etc.)
- Simulation of traffic systems, mixed-reality models (simulation models triggered by data from real sensors, such as induction loops, vehicle movement, driver condition, etc.)
Since September 2015, Andreas Riener is a professor for Human-machine Interface and Virtual Reality at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). He has a co-appointment with and is in the core development team of CARISSMA. Since March 2016, Prof. Riener heads the degree program User Experience Design (UXD, undergraduate) at THI and also heads the Usability testing/UXD and driving simulator labs. In March 2017, he was elected as the scientific head of the “Test Systems and Methods” division at CARISSMA. In October of the same year, he promoted to a research professor for “Human Factors and Driving Ergonomics” and founded the “Human-Computer Interaction Group” at THI.
Before he moved to Germany, Prof. Riener was a Priv.-Doz. at the University of Linz’s Institute of Pervasive Computing. He graduated in computer science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz in 2001. After spending a couple of years in industry in varying positions he joined again JKU in 2005, enrolled in the PhD program in computer science and worked as assistant at the Institute for Pervasive Computing, headed by Prof. Alois Ferscha. In February 2009 Andreas Riener completed his PhD studies and worked as a Postdoc until February 2014 at the same institute. In February 2014 he was awarded the venia docendi in “applied computer science” from the University of Linz and promoted to an associate professor position. The title of his habilitation thesis is “Perceptual computer science – Human-centric and reality-based human-machine interaction”.
h2>Co-organisation of scientific conferences, symposia.
- Organiser of numerous workshops at international conferences, e.g. AutomotiveUI 2011 (Salzburg, Austria), UBICOMP 2012 (Pittsburgh, US), AutomotiveUI 2012 (New Hampshire, US), AutomotiveUI 2013 (Eindhoven, Netherlands), AutomotiveUI 2014 (Seattle, US), ICAD 2015 (Graz, Austria), AutomotiveUI 2015 (Nottingham, England), Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2015 (Stuttgart, Germany).
- Co-Organiser and "Publicity and Demo Chair" of the International Symposium of Wearable Computing (ISWC 2009, Linz)
- "Poster-" and "Demo Chair", AutomotiveUI 2011 (Salzburg, Austria)
- "Paper Co-Chair", AutomotiveUI 2012 (New Hampshire, US)
- "Work-in-progress" and "Interactive Demos Co-Chair", AutomotiveUI 2013 (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Founder and Chair of the "Doctoral Colloquium" at AutomotiveUI 2013 (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- "Doctoral Colloquium Chair", AutomotiveUI 2014 (Seattle, US)
- "Scientific committee", International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE) 2014 (Vienna, Austria)
- "Associate chair", Mensch und Computer (MuC), 2015 (Stuttgart, Germany)
- "Doctoral Colloquium Chair", AutomotiveUI, 2015 (Nottingham, England)
- "Publicity Chair", Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), 2015 (Linz, Austria)
- Main organiser of Dagstuhl Seminar no. 16262 "Automotive User Interfaces in the Age of Automation", 27 June to 1. July 2016 (Dagstuhl, Germany)
- "Doctoral Colloquium Chair", AutomotiveUI, 2016 (Ann Arbor, Michigan, US)
- More than 40 presentations as well as various invited talks ("keynotes") at international conferences
- Program Committee of "Mensch und Computer 2017", Regensburg, Germany
- "Doctoral Colloquium Chair", AutomotiveUI, 2017 (Oldenburg, Germany)
- German Patent DE102007000532, "Method and apparatus for detecting and identifying a monitoring device", April 2009 (URL:
- Steering Committee member of the Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications conference series (
- Doctoral law at Johannes Kepler University Linz